Clingy babies

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When Liam and Zayn adopted the three kids, they were told to talk to a psychologist about what to expect from the boys' behavior based on their pasts. They knew that once the boys had passed their "shy" phase, there would come the "clingy" one. The psychologist, Dr. Scott, explained to them that once the boys had realized that they were loved, after years of not receiving any care, they would become too attached, subconsciously worried that they would be left alone again.

And that was exactly what had been happening the week after their family's visit.

It all started one night, when Liam woke up to the sounds of a little boy crying. One look to his left revealed that Zayn wasn't with him, and only a few seconds later, his husband entered the room with Louis in his arms. The boy had red eyes and cheeks, and was sobbing against Zayn's chest. Liam noticed how the boy was wearing different pajamas than the ones he'd been wearing when he went to sleep, meaning he'd wet the bed.

Zayn walked to the bed.

"Lou, go with daddy while I clean your sheets, alright?" He whispered, leaning towards the bed. Louis wrapped his arms harder around his neck. "No!" He sobbed. "No!"

Zayn looked at Liam, with a puzzled look. "But baby" he said "You'll be with Daddy, it's okay."

Louis didn't reply to this, and just kept sobbing. Liam shrugged. "I'll go clean, you stay" he said, and Zayn nodded.

Once in Louis' room, Liam walked to the bed and saw the big wet patch. He cleaned in no time, already used to it, and went back to bed, stopping to peek through the door of Harry and Niall's room, to see them both asleep.

Zayn was laying down, and Louis was wrapped around him like a koala bear, already asleep.

"He was so upset" Zayn whispered. "You know he usually tries to hide it, but this time he literally threw himself at me. It was a nightmare to get him changed. He wouldn't let go."

"You think this the the clingy stage?" Liam asked. Zayn nodded. "It makes sense"

Liam sighed and lied next to Zayn. "We'll have to wait and see." Between the both of them tried to untangle Louis, and left him laying between the two of them.

The next morning Liam was awaken by Niall, who demanded cuddles. He changed his nappy and took him downstairs, where he managed to make breakfast while carrying the child. Zayn got up from the bed soon after that. He looked at Louis, who had the sheets fisted in his hands. Since he'd had a rough night, he decided to let him sleep, and went to the bathroom.

As soon as he was brushing his teeth, he heard a scream. Louis had woken up alone, after last night. He ran back to the room, to see Louis looking horrified and scared. He jumped to Zayn's arms.

"Shh, it's alright" he said, patting his back. "I didn't leave. I'm here"

Eventually Louis calmed down, but another little figure appeared running towards him. Harry didn't even bother pushing his hair out of his face, and crushed against Zayn's legs. The adult managed to pick them both up, even thought Louis didn't like the new arrangement and whined a little.

"Bad night, Hazza?" Zayn asked, bouncing the boy in his obviously wet pull up. Zayn wondered how he was supposed to change Harry while holding both kids. Liam arrived just then to save his morning, apparently. He was holding Niall, who had his head against his father's chest.

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