Little Firefighters

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Liam and Zayn woke up the kids a little earlier than usual on a certain Tuesday morning. Waking up three kids under six years old always proved to be a difficult task to accomplish, but they already knew what each little one liked, and how to avoid tantrums.

Louis always had to be the first one up, because he was a jealous kid, and he had to control how much cuddle time his brothers were getting. If he considered that it was too much, he'd jump in the middle and lay down next to Harry or Niall. Also, if he'd wet the bed he got really upset, and he would be extra sad if Harry or Niall found out. So it was always better to start with him.

Harry was a little grumpy whenever the adults woke him up. If he woke up on his own, it was fine. He usually changed himself out of the (always) wet pull up and climbed to his fathers' bed to receive cuddles, his dummy still in his mouth. But if Liam and Zayn decided to wake him up, it took a lot of tummy rubbing and kisses to avoid a very grumpy Harry.

Niall was always happy to be awaken. He would start giggling as soon as he opened an eye and saw Zayn or Liam. He would spit his dummy out and raise up his arms to be carried.

So the parents managed to wake up the kids following the routine they had set, and in about an hour, they were all dressed and happy, sitting around the kitchen table while Liam cooked pancakes.

"We have a surprise for you today!" Liam said happily, and the little kids immediately looked up with smiles on their faces. "Can you guess what?" Zayn asked.

"We're going to see Jack and Seth?" Louis asked. Zayn shook his head and chuckled. "No buddy, that's tomorrow."

"We're going to get a little sister?" Harry asked happily. Liam laughed out loud. "No, Haz"

"Food!" Niall added, excitedly.

"We're going to Daddy's job today!" Zayn announced.

Louis smiled, but Harry and Niall looked really confused with the news. Liam was a firefighter, and he worked in the main station of the city. All of his coworkers were really nice, and they had been begging Liam to bring Zayn and the boys for the day, to show the kids what their father did for a living. The station was like an amusement park for children, all the kids that went there (the other firefighters' kids or school trips) loved it.

"What is that?" Harry asked, looking at Liam with a curious expression.

"Daddy is a firefighter" Zayn explained. "Do you know what that means Hazza?" Harry shook his head, even though it had been explained to him.

"We have big, red trucks that are full of water. When there's a fire, we drive the trucks to the house, or wherever it is, and we save people, and throw the water at the fire."

"Like superheroes do" Louis added, happily. Harry smiled a little. "That's cool" he said. "When are we leaving?"

"As soon as you've finished breakfast and brushed your teeth." Liam said, teasingly. The two older kids giggled, and Niall stuffed his mouth with food.

When they got to the station, Liam got out of the car and greeted his coworkers, the other firefighters, who were waiting outside for them. The first thing that crossed Harry's mind was that they looked super scary, and they were big and strong. But so did his daddy, so it was okay.

Zayn said hi to everyone too, while he helped the kids out of their seats.

Louis was the first one out of the car, so he ran to his daddy's side and pressed himself against his leg. He looked around with a small smile on his lips. He muttered a quiet hello to the firefighters who were trying to get his attention, but all he could do was stare at the trucks and the helicopter behind them.

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