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This is it, guys. Thank you for sticking with me through this story. I have other stories to check out if you would like, and if not, I hope you at least enjoyed this one. It's been real. xx

“Holy shit,” Harry breathed, setting the last box down and looking around. It was the first time that he had been there, though Louis had already seen their flat once or twice without him. He had protested at the time, but Louis promised that it would be more special if they both waited until at least spring break. They would be moving in a few months, so for now they were just going to stay for a few days to start setting things up and making it livable. It would also give them chances to look for jobs while they were there. “I love it!”

Louis stepped beside him, closing the door and grinning. “Yeah? I’m glad. I mean, we are paying for it already…” He gently rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around him. “I can’t believe we’re actually going to move in together.”

“Me either.” Harry smiled, pecking his lips. “Show me around?”

Louis chuckled, but he gave in anyway and kept his arm around his waist, leading him around and pointing out every flaw, quirk, or favorite about their new flat. The price had been so convenient that it was almost expected to have something major wrong with the place, but there wasn’t, other than a few scratches in the paint or squeaky doors. They were easy to fix or easy to ignore. Harry pursed his lips when they were in the living room, trying to figure out in his mind where everything was going to go. There was a couch already, thanks to Jay and Anne, but that was it. Well, that and the bed.

“Why don’t we put the TV here?” Harry smiled, pointing to the empty space against the wall. It was going to seem so much smaller once everything was set up. “And the table could be right here, and maybe a lamp, since these lights aren’t that great.”

“Whatever you want.” Louis promised, playing with his hair. He wasn’t really paying attention to what Harry was trying to explain, but he was sure he would figure it out later. For now, he just wanted to spend some much needed time with his boyfriend.

Things were better than they had been in a while. After Josh had turned himself in, the other three lads had confessed as well. Nobody at school and especially their parents couldn’t believe that they had done something so horrible. The only issue that had arisen after that was Eleanor’s refusal to admit she had planned the whole thing. The odds weren’t great, and while she stayed silent, the four boys and a few witnesses testified against her, and she would be spending the next year or so somewhere far away from Harry. There was even a restraining order just to be sure she wouldn’t hurt him again.

“You stopped listening, didn’t you?” Harry asked, a wry smile on his lips. Louis blushed and pulled him into another hug, kissing him deeply for a few seconds.

“I’m still listening.”

“I don’t believe you.”

Louis raised an eyebrow in surprise. “You don’t trust your boyfriend?”

“Nope.” Harry grinned. He turned around to go into the kitchen, but before he could take a single step, Louis’ strong arms wrapped around his waist and pulled him back to his chest. “Hey!”

“Hey.” Louis chuckled. He brushed a few curls out of the way and pressed kisses to Harry’s neck, stroking the smooth skin of his back with his hands. He could physically feel Harry relax in his arms, and what was even better was when he fully leaned against him, letting Louis support all of his weight. He was hardly heavy, and it was easy for his boyfriend to hold him up. He pulled away for a moment, almost like he was thinking, and Harry responded with a huff and even more weight against him. “What?”

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2013 ⏰

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