Chapter Thirteen

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One more chapter and then the epilogue. My baby is almost complete. (:

Louis could tell something was wrong before he had even opened his eyes in the morning. The space beside him – which had been occupied just hours ago – was now empty and cold. There were no curls pressed against his neck or hands clutching his chest. After a few moments of moving around just to make sure he wasn’t imagining things, his eyes finally snapped open. Just as he had assessed seconds before, Harry was nowhere to be seen.

 A surge of panic went through his body. His heart started beating even quicker, and he stood up and quickly shook the dizzy feeling in his head away so he could figure out where his boyfriend was. He rubbed his eyes and then set off through the house, practically running while staying as quiet as possible. No matter how frightened he may be, he didn’t want to wake up his family. That would only make everything worse. What could he say, that he lost his boyfriend?

“Harry!” Louis whisper-yelled, groaning to himself when there was no immediate response. He checked all of the bathrooms first and found them empty. His room had gone untouched from the last time he had been in it, and not only that, but there was absolutely nowhere else he thought his boyfriend could be. His stomach clenched at the very thought that he had decided to go home and swallow some pills to finally get it over with. After thoroughly searching the house twice more, he ran into the kitchen to grab his keys and head to Harry’s house. If he had left in the last hour, he would probably be able to find him. That always posed the question of where he was planning to go, but he would get to that later. Just as he turned to leave, he spotted a head full of chocolate curls a few feet away and froze.


As confused as he was about Harry sleeping on the table, relief was all he could feel. He set his keys back down quietly and took the few steps forward to reach the younger lad. His fingers ran through his hair as sweetly and carefully as possible, almost as if he was afraid one accidental tug was going to break him in half. Harry didn’t even move. Soft snores left his parted lips, and Louis smiled and reached down to press a kiss to the tip of his nose.

When it came down to it, he couldn’t find it in himself to wake him. He pulled Harry into his arms and carried him upstairs, bringing him to his room. He didn’t so much as stir as Louis set him down onto the bed and covered him with the fluffiest blanket he owned. Much to his surprise and delight, the dark circles under Harry’s eyes had nearly disappeared, and the glow he hadn’t seen in weeks was starting to return. He seemed like the same lad he had been in love with this whole time. He might finally be happy again.

Returning to the table, his eyes quickly landed on the papers he had failed to notice before. He thought about leaving them there, but that only lasted a few seconds before his curiosity got the best of him. There were a total of six, each of them different lengths. Harry’s messy script was all over them, and Louis didn’t bother trying to hold back a smile at how cute that was.

The first one seemed confusing. He didn’t understand what was actually written until it connected in his head. These were all songs. Harry must have written them sometime during the middle of the night. Odd, yes, but when it came to Harry, anything was possible.

As good as the first song was, Louis forced himself to stop reading so he wouldn’t invade Harry’s privacy. He stacked the papers carefully and set them on top of the fridge, knowing they wouldn’t get ruined there. If he couldn’t read them, his sisters sure as hell couldn’t, let alone even touch them. They wouldn’t understand how important those were to his boyfriend.

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