Chapter Six

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I want to warn you guys... there are some things in this chapter that may offend some people. That is NOT my intention. It's what Harry's character is thinking, and it's crucial to the plot for him to think this way. I don't mean to hate on ANYONE. Everyone should be treated equally.

Another shift happened in Harry and Louis’ relationship, and it started on a random morning on an otherwise unimportant day. Louis suggested that he start picking Harry up in the mornings, and the younger boy readily agreed. The first day that he did, they walked through the doors together, and Louis reached out and took Harry’s hand. Harry looked at him with wide, hesitant eyes, but Louis just smiled, and that was enough to let him know that he was safe. They were safe.

Time was passing quickly, and neither of them could believe that it was already the beginning of October. The temperature was dropping, meaning Harry had to cover up more, but he didn’t necessarily mind it. The very second that Louis saw a sign that he was cold, he would cover him up with his varsity jacket, and Harry would instantly fill with warmth.

It didn’t mean that the bullying completely went away, though. More than once did Harry get pushed into a locker or get sent to the nurse because someone punched him. It was useless giving names, because by now, almost everyone was in on the joke that was Harry Styles. They were just extra careful now that they didn’t do anything while Louis was around. Surprisingly, none of the people on Louis’ team messed with him. One of them, Liam, was even nice to him. Harry considered them friends, and Louis had promised him that Liam was one of the nicest people he had ever met. He would always trust what Louis had to say, no matter what it was.

He supposed that was one of the reasons he was going to spend time with him during the lunch period. They didn’t have the same times, technically, but Louis had promised him that he had a substitute in that particular class anyway, and Liam was going to cover for him. All he had to do was last for the few minutes left of world history.

He was doodling random hearts like some lovesick schoolgirl when their teacher called for everyone’s attention. He barely glanced up, but he still listened, just praying that it wasn’t going to be another announcement about homework. He had enough as it was.

“Instead of having you work on your own for this project, I’ve decided to pair you up in teams of two. You won’t get to choose who your partner is, so there’s no use trying to bribe me. There will be limited class time, so you must work on this outside of class, and both of you will be graded the same.”

Harry groaned quietly and finally closed the notebook. He hated things like this. Nobody ever picked him for a partner, and even when they were assigned partners, the other person would always act like he was some kind of a leper. He didn’t understand it, honestly, but he tried not to let any of it get to him. All he cared about was getting a good grade.

Names started being called out. Most people smiled or shrugged at the choice of their partner, but Harry was starting to get nervous about who he would end up with. Finally, his name was called out, only to be immediately followed after with, “You’ll be working with Niall Horan.” He and Niall turned their heads so fast toward each other that they were sure there was some kind of magnetic force making them do so. They couldn’t say anything just yet, but they glared across the room at each other as if looks could kill.

Niall was the last one out of his seat as the bell rang. Harry started to get up, but Niall’s eyes only darkened, and he knew he should at least stick around to see what was going to happen. They got up as soon as everyone else had cleared out of the room and walked toward the desk.

“I can’t work with him.” Niall stated simply. The teacher, a middle-aged woman who never seemed to be in a very good mood, raised a penciled in eyebrow and huffed.

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