Chapter Two:Back to School

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                                              Chapter 2

                        (Nathan's POV)

         Ever since I became friends with Chase and Emmitt (in the first grade), my whole life has been turned upside down. And it was all because of their sister. I knew it was love at first sight, but did she? Umm, I don't think so. She always calls us (Chase, Emmitt, and me) the pains in her ass, well besides that Derek kid. Who could blame her? We’re a handful! Even for the strongest members of our pack.

And now staring at her ass while eating my favorite cereal, it's like a dream come true... someday this scene will be repeated, but in our house, and she wouldn't  even care that I was looking because we'd be happily married with 2 kids.. If only my day-dreams would come true.

 And that fate will bless us with her not finding a mate. I secretly thought to myself.

"Hey Nathan, do you still have that major crush on me?" HOLY SHIT!!! Did she really just ask the most retarded question ever? Yeah, I believe she did. But this could be my chance, so I kept my cool, and downplayed it.

"Yeah why?" And then I was in heaven, god her lips were soo soft, like cotton candy! Shit I'm just sitting here! But before I could kiss her back she was halfway across the room heading towards the garage. "By boys" she yelled those last words before she was in the garage.

"What the hell just happened?" Emmitt said utterly confused.

                                    (Abby's POV)

  “By boys" I yelled right before entering the garage. As I headed towards my 2010 black Chevy Camaro I started to think about what I just did. Well, that might just be the highlight of my day! Oh my gosh, I can't wait to tell Emma about this when I pick her up!

(20 minutes later, at Emma's)

HONK HONK! "Emma get your lazy ass out here!" I yelled through the window. Emma is my best friend, and is the offensive captain for our team. Yeah, it’s kind of like cheating since me and Em are the only she-wolfs who have ever shown interest in anything besides male wolfs and we are totally taking control over the fact that we more physically fit than all these humans. We’ve been best friends since we were 3. Emma is also basically the only she-wolf in the (soon to be mine) pack that doesn’t hate me.

"Hello my sexy ass defensive captain" purred Emma.

"Ha-ha, hey my totally awesome offensive captain! Looking good today!" Came my reply in a more friendly tone. I leaned back to see that we had dressed similar as always, me in a purple v-neck with dark wash skinny's. And her in light wash skinny's with a hoodie and most likely a graphic t-shirt hiding underneath it.

"Well Abby I knew you liked me and all, but you don't have to stare so long! And Abbs, we kind of still needed to go to school today. I'm all for skipping, but today is the varsity team's meeting and both our sexy asses got to be there" dang you Emma!

"Well you know I love to just stare at your amazing body, Em"

“Yeah I know”

"Ha-ha, anyway so this morning I kissed Nathan just to prove that I wasn't gay to Emmitt, and you should have seen his face! It was a cross between lust and awe!"

"Oh dang girl! He's going to be all over your ass from now on, you know that right?"

"Yeah unfortunately"

"Okay, but seriously Abbs we gots to go, like right now if we don’t want to miss first period"

"Okay, you're right, just turn on the radio and put this CD in for me. And oh, Em?"


"Put your seatbelt on."

"Ha-ha, you got it babe"


Derek in the pic

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