Chapter One: 'Good Morning'

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Chapter 1 (Unknown POV)

                          I saw her  running around kicking soccer balls. Looks like someone’s  tying to make the boys drool… and that’s exactly what I saw next. A whole hoard of boys just staring her down.

I let out a low growl, and I’m pretty sure that other  she-wolf (Emma?) heard me and looked over to the bushes I was still crouching in. Finally she looked away uninterested.

Whew! Close call there bro, close call….

I can’t let her see me until it’s time. That’s exactly it, until it’s time.

                                 (Abby's POV)

(Earlier that morning)

           ....Ahhh Derek, you are my one and only love...... "Will you marry me, Abby?” proposed Derek.

 "AHHHHHHH!!!! Of course I’ll marry you Derek!"......

     "AHHHHHHH!!!!!" And that is how my dreams have become nightmares in a matter of seconds. Ugh, Derek, sooo disgusting! Anyway today is Friday, ugrh, the worst and best day of my week. Of course I'll get to play my most favorite video games all night long!! Hell yes! But the worst part is having to "babysit" my little twin brothers, and I wouldn’t even call them little! They're 14!

 Lol I don’t even know how long those boys can keep it in their pants... but who could blame those little devils? Practically every girl in the ninth grade (and tenth, eleventh, and twelfth!) is asking to get into their pants for one night!

 Urgh! Why does everybody my family have to be so damn hot! My dad’s 6'2 and has a muscular built body, chocolate brown hair, and electric blue eyes. He was also a professional football player.

 My mother? Well she's an architect with platinum hair and sea green eyes. As for the devils, hair like my moms and eyes like my dad’s. And moi? Hair like my dad’s and eyes like my moms, yeah, my whole family's got it going on! Lol.

It may be the fact that we are all super human genetically enforced freaks…just kidding! But seriously, we’re pretty damn close to that.

While I'm 5'7 and my mom’s 5'5, my brothers must take after my father and are 5'11 with lithe muscular builds (very similar to my own) and are still growing! Wtf! Can somebody say what.the.hell? Damn right you can! Why do boys get to be so damn tall?! Unfair! Well we’re actually werewolves…

Who knew right? Well half the town doesn’t so, shh!


Ah, I guess it's finally time to get my head together and get my lazy ass outta bed to take a nice hot shower. As I walk into my bathroom (yes I have my own, thank god) I notice something is missing, hmmmmm? Oh wow, those damn devils! My razor’s gone! Ha-ha, I'm going to kill them later! Yeah they do this periodically just to piss me off, take my stuff, hide it, and then they get some pretty big bruises on their shins afterwards. Hehehehe!

 (15 minutes later)

  "Abby!!!! Breakfast!" ugh; devil number 1, Chase-the evil yet more sensitive of the two.

 "Hurry up or we'll eat it all!" and then there's devil number two, Emmitt-the evil, devilish manwhore who likes to party it up and always is the mastermind to the tortures of yours truly, moi.

 "Yeah Abby get your hot ass downstairs so can stare at it!" And then of course, the devils’ best (and only?) friend, Nathan-little kid cute, and far from shy. Tall like my brothers with deep brown eyes and shaggy brown hair to match, this kid is the third pain in my ass.

 And ew, to my horror they were all eating Captain Crunchies! Totally gross! As I head to the cereal cabinet I can already tell Nathan is enjoying his view, ick. I reach for the Chocolate Mini Mini Wheats and a bowl and pour my bowl full, I need to eat up.

"Hey boys, find your own ride home today, I've got after school practice and a meeting during lunch. So no Subsway or Burgerqueens, kay?"

"Yeah, whatever Abby, everyone knows you just want to have 'alone' time with your boyfriend, or girlfriend shall I say?" god Emmitt I’ll show him. "Emmitt, do you not remembers that if I’m gay, so are you, because we are siblings and gayness runs in the family...." he he suck on that Emmitt.

 "AHHHHH! Does that mean I’m gay too?!"

Oh god, "Chase it was a joke, let it go, kay?"

 But since he thinks I’m gay, here "Hey Nathan, do you still have this major crush on me?"

"Yeah, why?

A/N- hey guys, just wanted to say, hope it doesn’t suck. And I also hope that iamabbyruth2 isn’t the only one reading this, and if so I am a life failure .Oh well, so hoped you liked it, way more to come, and if you see anything that needs revised let me know with a comment plz. See-ya chickies

Abby in the pic

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