Chapter Fourteen

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[yay! Here it is guys!  I finally got some free time to write this,  I hope you enjoy it!   Let me know what you all think!  May<3]

Chapter Fourteen

The alert came late the following evening.  We were all enjoying dinner in the dining hall when the alarm of an approaching Wavarian fleet was announced.  Too small to be the threat we had been waiting for, it was assumed, and hoped, that this was all a miss understanding.

Our fleet was sent out to meet theirs in hopes of a truce and peaceful retreat.  Everyone was on edge as we headed out.  This could go any number of ways and not all of them are good.  I am probably freaking out more than most, which isn’t helping anyone else much.  But what do you expect? This is my first time in a threatening situation to where my life rests in an enemy’s hands.  Not the thing you want on your mind when flying an expensive ship in the middle of space.

“Alright guys this is it.  Let’s show them their best option is to leave peacefully.”  Control dispatched.

“Rodger.” Logan, being the highest ranked Ranger, was chosen to negotiate.  Hopefully all of the charm works in our favor. 

“We are approaching the Wavarian Fleet.” 

“You are up Foxer.  Good Luck.”


We slowed as we closed the distance.  Still far enough for the other fleet to look like a group of small dogs, but close enough to communicate.

“This is Logan Foxer of the Elite Space Defense Rangers.”  Logan’s voice was broad cast to all available frequencies.  The moment was tense as we waited for a response.  “I repeat, This is Logan Foxer of the ESDR, please respond.”

Still nothing.  “Can they not hear us?” I questioned.  What is going on? My nerves are reaching an all time high.  My first day on the job and I might not be able to handle the stress. 

“Doubtful unless they turned off their communications.  Which seems highly unlikely, because then they would not hear their own.”  Frog replied.

“Guys, has anyone noticed the Wavarians have not slowed down much like we did?”

Control responded, “They have not decelerated at all.  Officer Foxer send out a warning.”

“Wavarian fleet, This is Logan Foxer.  Slow down your ships immediately, your fast approach denotes a threat.” 

That’s when our fears where confirmed.  The first shoot missed Rabbits ship by a long shot but left no doubt in our minds.

They did not want a peaceful truce.

“Shots fired!”

Training kicked in and we all started to move, dodging shots and trying to gain the upper hand.  I hesitated at every chance to shoot, causing me to miss or barely clip a wing.  All of my practicing and high scores were for nothing.  I can’t do it in real life.  I can’t really kill someone, because that’s what it would be.  This wasn’t a simulation, when the ship blew there were rarely survivors in space. 

Between the three of them the fleet was slowly shrinking as the struck with ease and precision. 

“Falcon, to your left!”  At Logan’s shout, I barrel rolled just in time for the shot to miss my left wing. 

“Frog! You’ve got a tail, watch it!” 

How can he notice what’s going on with us when there is so much happening at once?

“I know, Foxer, but I can shake him!” I could hear the strain in his voice as I turned my ship to catch how he was doing.  The Wavarian let off a few shots that barely clipped his ship.  “He’s locked on!”  Frog was weaving left and right, doing rolls and flips.  But nothing was working to get this guy loose.  The enemy was gaining on him, I know the closer he got the better aim he would have.

I looked frantically for Foxer or Rabbit, but they were both busy with the last few ships.  It was up to me.  But can I do it?  As that thought entered my mind the Wavarian’s shot hit the side of Frog’s engine causing it to smoke.  I didn’t think.  I aimed and fired within seconds, hitting the enemy ship and causing it to blow.  Direct hit.

“Get back to the hanger before another fleet arrives!” 

Numbly I navigated my way back, through the hanger and shut my ship down.  I don’t know how long I sat there before I heard the knocking at the entrance to my ship after flipping the switches I turned in time to see Logan coming in.

“Jaycen?”  He looked worried.


“Are you going to come out?”

“Guess I should.”  I sound monotone even to myself.  My brain just doesn’t seem to be functioning right. 

“Hey,” he crouched down in front of me. “You ok?” When his hand caressed my cheek I finally looked him in the eyes.  I shook my head as tears started to form.

“What have I done? I killed someone.” 

“Hey stop that.  You did what needed to be done.  You saved a member of our fleet today.”

“I hadn’t really thought of it like that.”  I mean I knew Frog was in danger, that’s why I shot in the first place.  But that fact that he would have died if that other fighter didn’t made me realize that Logan was right.  I am not the type of person to kill in cold bold, but this was in defense.  And that was the whole point of being in the ESDR.  To defend.

“We all go through it.  The moment went we hurt or kill another soul, it’s hard for everyone.”

“I doubt it’d be hard for Grady.”

“Well for most people it’d be hard. There are some whom are affected more or less than others. The point is you just have to work through it.  Make yourself see the good in what you are doing or it will eat you alive.   And I don’t want to see you eating at yourself. That’s my job.”  He winked and wiggled his brows.  When his grin formed I couldn’t help but respond with a grin of my own.

“I guess Frog doesn’t mind my killing the fighter.”

“I’d guess not.”

I let out a huge sigh and looked into Foxer’s eyes, then to his lips.  Silently asking for what I knew would make me feel better. 

He chuckled but leaned in gently caressing my lips with his.  I moaned and opened my lips.  The kiss was sweet and heartwarming.  Lifting my spirits in a way nothing ever has before.  Oh man, am I a goner for this guy.  But I am not going to tell him that just yet.  Now I know just how sweet he can be, but I never forget how cocky either.

[picture of FROG to the right! Thank goodness he's safe!]

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