The Help

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            My dad slowly eased the truck into the driveway, being sure to make the ride as smooth as possible. I found myself not being able to sit still. My legs came over with the bad case of the jitters as they bounced uncontrollably. I watched the empty paddocks as we drove by and for the first time I saw the farm as a scene from a horror film.

            When my dad parked the truck, he opened the door and began to say something. I ignored it and jogged to Romance’s barn. Escaping the cold wind, I walked into the barn and saw that all the stalls were filled with their proper occupants. I saw Charlie turn his head to see who I was before he deemed me uninteresting and unimportant before going back to eating his dinner. “Romi,” I practically whispered. I slowly began walking to her stall before someone grabbed my hand.

            “Cam, please wait until the morning.” Tanya pleaded with me. I turned around and saw the sad look on her face. I reluctantly nodded before she wrapped her arm around my shoulder before leading me out of the barn.

            “Why can’t I see her?” I questioned turning my head as much as I could before wincing at how stiff my neck was.

            Tanya turned her head to look at me. “Wait for tomorrow morning.” She simply said. “It’s too late for you to or Romance to be up right now.” Although I still felt the need to wrestle myself from her arms, I restrained myself and glanced back over my shoulder one last time before walking into the house.

            Tanya helped me up to my room and into my bed. I pulled the covers over my body and laid back on the pillows. “Thanks Tanya.” She smiled back at me and smiled before turning out the lights in my room. When the door closed, I was left to do nothing except stare into the black abyss that was my room.

            Closing my eyes, I tossed and turned before I found a comfortable position to sleep in. “My life sucks.” I silently groaned to myself as I turned over for what seemed like the millionth time. Turning over yet again, I looked over towards the window that wasn’t covered with my blinds or curtains. I slowly got out of my bed and crept over to the window. Looking out, I saw stars twinkling up in the midnight sky and a full moon. I stared at how picturesque everything here was. The sky looked like it was the inside of a treasure chest with all the stars that brightly shone like the most precious gems.

            Peeling my eyes from the midnight sky, I let my eyes land on the barn. Romance. I couldn’t stop thinking about her. I felt my head throb at the thought of what happened, but I couldn’t keep my mind from thinking about anything else. “Please be okay.” I whispered saying a silent prayer. This is something I never thought I would be doing. Praying. I don’t think I knew any prayers, but here I was, hands folded, hoping and praying for something that I couldn’t control. “Please,” I drew myself closer to the window. Close enough to feel the coldness of the night radiating on my bare arms. “Please let her be okay.” I looked up to the sky, not sure of what I was looking for. A sign? A shooting star? At this point I just wanted something to let me know Romance was okay. Sighing when I failed to see anything, I stepped away from the window and crawled back underneath my comforters. “Sleep tight Romi.” I whispered as my eyes finally closed and welcomed sleep.

            Managing to get a restful night of sleep, I woke up the next morning to find myself feeling rejuvenated and ready for what today had in store for me. I climbed out of my bed and walked into my bathroom to splash some cold water onto my face to wake myself up.

            When I walked downstairs I found Tanya sitting at the island with a steaming cup of tea. I took a few moments to look at her appearance. She looked exhausted, like she hasn’t slept in days.

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