chapter 7

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I looked at my watch. 4.07pm. Over two hours I've been sat here listening to the droning of hyper active fashion bimbos and nerd loving electronic geeks! I hate it when our boss has been out of the country and planning meeting have to be a Saturday. It was bad enough that we usually had them on Friday afternoons but Saturdays!

5.37pm. It was all over. I had to do my two page spread as I had to do very time except on the run up to and just after Valentines day when we did our problem specials. What a way to waist an afternoon.

 I pulled my coat on and headed to the pub. I needed a drink after that!

The place was packed. I took my coat off and hung it up on the rack. As I looked round the room I thought the whole village must me here.

Wonder what's going on.

I was about to find out.

There was a loud bang on a table and when that didn't quieten the crowd down it happen again. The silence descended on us like a snow fall. Soft and gentle. I spotted a seat close to the door and waved at Janet. She lifted a glass and I nodded back at the un-asked question. I settled back to listen to what the bloke banging the table had to say.

'Welcome one and all to the first planning meeting for this years Christmas fate. We need to go bigger and better than last year. Any ideas raise your hand....'

I startled a little as Janet set the drink in front or me and crouched down beside me.

'What's this about.' I whispered

'Oh our annual Christmas fate. Good time to be had by all involved'

'Are you trying to convince me or yourself about the good times?' I laughed.

'Same every year. They all come to listen and bring their ideas. Same ones every year. Same jokes same stories told.' She shook her head. 'I'd love it if we had something new.'

'I never been to a village fate so your out of luck looking for new ideas from me'

'Oh well I can dream.' She stood up and made her way back to the bar collecting glasses as she went.

I took a sip of me drink and as I lifted my head I seen him. Sitting in his usual seat with the newspaper still there in front of his face.

I'm not going to miss his face tonight.

No way. I thought to myself. I need to see what's behind that paper.

The gentle hum of the meeting going on came to an end around half six.

People started to pull on their coats and head to the door shouting good night and goodbye to others as they left.

Janet came through the bar passing out plates of food and on her way past asked if I'd like my at my table.

I smiled at that thought  of my table.

I haven't even been here week and I've got my own table in the pub. Is that a good thing or a bad thing.

I settled into my usual chair and looking round the room. There where definitely more people in than normal.  The faces I had grown a custom to seeing nodded back at me as I gazed their direction.

'Would you like an introduction' Janet whispered as she put my plate on the table. The steam rose from the dish in swirls and I lent over both to smell the food and cover my blush of being caught staring at the newspaper.

'He's not half bad you know.' She winked and I blushed again 'don't talk much to the folk round here but is never rude. Old Joe wouldn't allow it.'

'He knows Joe?'

'Well he would do living in the same house.'

'The same house!' Think you better sit down and start at the beginning' I  said in a low voice.

Janet smiled 'why don't I let him tell you himself.'

She turning to his table to find he wasn't there. The paper was folded up and left on the neatly on the table.

My eyes snapped to the door where the back of a well dressed six foot man was just leaving.

'Oh well maybe tomorrow night. As soon as you arrive I'm going to introduce you. Your both the same age and it would do him good to speak to a girl his own age'

Now what does that mean I wondered

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