Interviewing DudeItsNikki

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Okay, so I'm finally getting to uploading this interview that Nikki (THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU, SORRY IT'S SO LATE, OMG -_-'') kindly did for me and allowed me to upload. I'd still love a load more, if anyone was up for it?

Please and thank you (:

  -Again, to let anyone who doesn't know, I'm doing a project for my college course called Dear Someone, all about Life and Happiness and would love pictures, videos, prose -anything really- on that subject. :3

> Name (Optional)

Hi! My name is Nikki (sorry its late :()

> Age

Im 13 years old

> How are you right now?

Right now im happy :D One of my friends is moving away and today was his last day at school here so im really sad about that :'(

> When you're unhappy what do you do to make yourself feel better? How do you get over it? How do you deal with it?

When Im happy I just drown myself in music <3 and usually my friends make me feel all better :D

> If you could take a pill that would make you happy, would you take it, and why?

No i wouldn't want to take a happy people [*Pill], because In my whole life I always have to smile and honestly Im sick of pretending to be happy, Im sicking of having to force myself to be happy

> How is your relationship with your family?

My family? I love them alot, except my stepdad who i freaking hate. We're alittle dysfunctional but we're just cool like that

>---- Relationship with friends?

My friends? OMG I love my friends to death! I can talk to them about anything, there always there for me, they support my decisions and really there just like my family.

> Ever been bullied? Experience?

I've never been intentionally bullied? I mean i've had people joke with me, I never took it seriously and neither did they. But I've had picked on a few people before but now i don't judge or bullying.

> What are your ambitions?

Right now I just have really simple ambitions, graduate high school, finish college, get an awesome paying job, and have a family.

> What's your opinion on life? (Is there a reason? A point to it? What are we on Earth for?)

My opinion on life is that you should live it like you mean! Don't waste it cause life is a beautiful and precious that's meant to be lived with memories and happiness.

> Opinion of Religion?

Religion really I just believe whatever I want to believe. Nothing much to it so I guess i'd be like bi-religious

> What made you what you are today?

My mom raised me to be who I am, to live the way I do. My sister has given me anything that I needed in life to make me happy and My brother thinks of me first, important things, like not studying for his own exaime just to explain my homework to me. My friends made me the smiley person I am today and music taught me to be stronger through those rough moments in life :D

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