Interviewing thatstereokid

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> Name

Tianna Moose!

> Age


> How are you right now?

I’m actually enjoying myself right now ^_^ Not quite sure why, because I have such weird emotions.

> When you’re unhappy, what do you do to make yourself feel better? How do you do it? How do you deal with it?

I usually write, or plug earphones in to drown out reality. Or I sleep.
I like sleeping. ^_^

> If you could take a pill that would make you happy, would you take it, and why?

No, because if I was happy every day, I wouldn’t be happy. I wouldn’t be happy if I wouldn’t be sad, or angry, or frustrated.

> How is your relationship with your family?

So-so. It’s getting better, but it’s strained.

> —— Relationship with friends?

I typically hate people and the backstabbers I call my ‘friends’, so I generally have five people I really trust. So, I’m going to say that my relationships with my real friends are great.

> Ever been bullied? Experience?

Yeah, in first grade, though :3 I was always the odd kid out, and I assumed that’s why people joked around with me and stuff. But it’s made me who I am now, a person that doesn’t give a flying fluck about what other people think. So I guess I’m glad that something like this happened.

> What are your ambitions?

To see the world. To go to New York one day, college, publish a book. Explore the unknown. Change the world.

> What’s your opinion on life?

There was this saying about a bank account someplace; where you have a ton of money in it each and every day. The thing is, you can’t transfer the remaining money to the next day. What they’re trying to say is that you can’t use today’s remainders to go to tomorrow, so live your life to the fullest. (LOL this is utter crap. I’m terrible at explaining. Sowwy :[ )

> Opinion on Religion?

(don’t read this part if you’re religious.)
I think the bible is utter crap (no offense), because I just can’t bring myself to believe it. It’s trying to control us and telling you how to do things, as if it were the ‘perfect way’. I used to be Christian, but now, as I really think things through, I find it hard to believe. As if homosexuality was a sin.
Utter bull.

> What made you who you are today?

Everything. Every moment, every regret, every dream, every nightmare, every little bit of praise and harassment I’ve received made me who I am. If it weren’t for my flaws, if I strived to be perfect, then I wouldn’t be me. I don’t want to be perfect. I want to be something else.

> Do you ever wonder about the future? Does it ever depress you?

But at the same time, I know that if I can see it in my head, I can build my way up to where I want to be. It takes time and determination.
The only thing that depresses me and enlightens me at the same time is the unknown. Because anything can happen.

> What makes you happy?

The little things. Like a good morning text. Or a simple gesture, such as holding open a door for someone.
Nothing big. <3

> What upsets you?

Damn. A lot of things.
People upset me. I don’t understand how they’re so judgemental and rude nowadays.

> Do you suffer from any kind of depression or anxiety? Have you ever?

I suppose. I was hitting a rut a little while back, questioning everything. I didn’t get how we were supposed to live life to the fullest.
But I’m okay now. Just open your eyes a little, and see that you’ll be okay.

> Have you thought about suicide? Attempted? Self-harmed?

I’ve thought about suicide, but I never really was serious. I knew that there were better ways to deal with things than cutting/suicide. And no, I’ve never self-harmed, but I did try once or twice. I couldn’t do it.

> Opinion on things just mentioned? (Suicide etc.)

I think strongly of suicide. That people shouldn’t do it, even if I had thought about it once or twice. Why?
Because there’s so much more to live for. People forget that their tiny city is just a little, itsy bitsy part of the world. There are people out there who are like you. You just got to find them.

> Does music affect your mood? If so, how? What type of music do you most listen to?

Music DOES affect my mood, in a positive way, I suppose. If it’s something from my past, then it’ll put me in a nostalgic mood, but other than that, nothing really. I listen to rock, alternative, and a bit of rap and indie. Nothing big.

> What influences your mood the most?

The way people act around me. I don’t mind anything, really. If people are rude, then it puts me in a funk.
Society. That’s it.

> Do you spend a lot of time in your bedroom? What colour is it? Is it messy? Tidy?

I spend a lot of time in here, mainly because this is where my desk and laptop is. It’s a white colour ( I originally wanted to paint it burgundy but my mum blew a shit) and it’s an…average bedroom, I suppose. Kind of messy, but neat, at the same time.

> How often do you genuinely feel happy/sad?

My emotions are literally one big, muddled mess. I can feel anything at one moment, and something else the next. So I suppose I wouldn’t have a number of days to count off of.

> What is the nicest thing anybody has ever said to you?

Good question. I’d like to know myself.

>Five things you want to do before you die?

1) Travel the world.

2) Have one of those sappy-ass romantic moments with someone I love.

3) Publish a book.

4) Make a difference in the world, even if it’s a small one.

5) Believe in the people I love the most.

> Email address:

*Email provided

> Would you mind if this was posted on Wattpad?

Of course not! I want the world to be honest with each other. Go for it :3 no need to make it anon.

> Anything to add on the subject of Life & Happiness?

Yeah. If you’re really feeling depressed and contemplating on suicide, just remember that you haven’t seen anything yet. That there are millions of other worlds out there that you belong in. You just have to find it.

~ [ o ] ~

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