Sacrificing My Happiness, For His

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Copyright 2012 All Rights Reserved

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I have the most incredible Mate!

I'm so excited to tell him that we're mates, we already have such a great relationship with each other that I know it will work out perfectly.

With the struggle life has given me so far, this is finally a bright spot in all the darkness.

I see him on the football field no doubt going over drills with the coach and some other players. He's gorgeous! Tall at six feet three inches with a model perfect body, just enough muscles to nicely fill out any shirt without being too outrageous, and long legs that support his build well.. His black hair is sweaty and has a bit of helmet head, but it only adds to his appeal. He glances my way and those green orbs shoot electricity straight through my body from head to toe. He smiles and I practically melt into the ground.

It's strange to see my best friend in this new light. We've been friends since our diaper days, heck, we used to shower together.

As he turns back to the coach, I feel a tinge of uncertainty. Will he be happy that we're mates? I've always thought of myself as average. Straight brown shoulder length hair, tiny figure with medium sized breasts, boring brown eyes, little button nose, and pouty lips. My one standout quality will have to be my killer legs, though. My stems support all five feet eight inches of me and look really good in a pair of heels, when I bother to wear them that is. Comfort over beauty has always been my motto. Is that enough to hold his attention? Girls are always fawning all over him, he's been with his fair share of them and is a bit of a man whore, but he's never mean or degrading to any of the girls he's with. He always makes sure they know beforehand that it's a no strings situation.

I'd like to think our friendship has a lot to do with how he treats girls. Growing up together has allowed him to see into the mind of a female and the things we go through both physically and emotionally. He's always watching out for me when it comes to guys, making sure they treat me right. Just another piece of evidence that proves how amazing he is.

I worry myself over it a little more before realizing that no matter what he thinks of my appearance, we're best friends. He's seen me at my best and worst and hasn't left my side. My hope is that once our mating begins he'll develop romantic feelings as well as the friendly ones he has now.

I take a minute to curse the fates for the way this whole mate thing works. We aren't able to find our mates until our eighteenth birthday, and then it's the girl who first realizes it by picking up her mates scent. Then once we find it, and our eyes meet for the first time after discovering our other halves, a jolt hits the she wolfs heart. The male wolf won't know until a kiss is shared. This allows the she wolf to be the aggressor in the beginning, and the male his turn after their mating has begun.

As these thoughts run through my mind I continue to watch him on the field. He smiles even brighter after his coach hands him a piece of paper and I suddenly wish he could be the aggressor now. My palms are sweaty and my heart is racing a mile a minute as he runs my way, the smile still cemented on his face. Quick as a flash he's in front of me, wrapping his arms around my waist as he picks me up and swings me around.

"Siara, you'll never guess what news I just got!" Mason shouts with excitement.

"No, but I'm sure you're about to tell me," I say with a laugh.

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