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AN: Hey everybody! I know I've been away for a really long time, and I am so sorry for that! I felt like I was lacking creativity and I love this story too much to write shit chapters, just to write something. I recently started a creative writing class in college, and that combined with all of your unwavering support and ask for new chapters gave me the needed kick in the ass to write the chapter. Now, I can't promise regular updates like I used to do, mainly for the reason that I don't know how long this surge of creativity will last, but I will try my best to do this story, and my readers justice.

I want to especially thank my readers O1iviaa, missspoilbaby417 and CurvyGoddess for repeatedly asking for more, even though I'm sure many of you had already given up on this story!

Please show me your support by voting for this chapter (that took me all of four months to write) and comment!

xoxo m


The first week we spent in New York, we spent a lot of time catching up with Elliott - me more than Cat, who spent more time to get to know her future sister-in-law. We explored all around the area, but hadn't gone into the city once. Elliott had been carefully sidestepping the subject all week, and I was thankful for that. Although the beginning of the week had been a bit tense - I was still waiting for his reaction to me being his sister's Dominant - the tension had left eventually after Elliott had treated me as nothing but an equal. He still had that big brotherly air about him, and often I would find him watching me, as though he was gaging my level of comfort in certain situations. It gave me a feeling of warmth and safety instead of intimidating me, like I had expected it would.

Today, Catherina's and Elliott's mother invited us all to lunch, and the siblings decided to go. I let Cat decide for herself if she was ready to face her mother. Considering her father was still in prison, I didn't know how her relationship with her mother was - or if there even was one.

I had half expected her to decline the offer, but when I had asked her whether she was sure, she looked me dead in the eye and said: "If you can overcome your fear and come back to this city, then I can suck it up and see my mother."

At first I had been embarrassed that she had been so aware of my outright fear of coming back to New York, but then I realized that she was right. We were facing our fears together.

Lunch was set to one o'clock at Cat's mother's upscale apartment. At 12:56 we were all four standing in front of the door, each looking to the person next to us to ring the bell. Eventually, Elliott let out an exasperated sigh and rang the doorbell himself. It took a mere couple seconds before the door was flung open and we were ushered inside by a tall woman in her late 50s. Her facial features nearly matched Elliott's to a t, her hair was up in an elegant updo and her legs were quite possibly as long as mine.

"Elliott James! Catherina!" She exclaimed.

I felt Cat tense beside me, shifting her weight back slightly, as if to physically distance herself from her mother, who apparently didn't even notice, as she was too busy hugging El and fawning over Joanna.

"You got this, kitten." I whisper into her ear.

Her back straightened under my hand and she slightly turned her head to smile at me. I know, she mouthed. Usually I would have chastised her for being cheeky, but today, in front of her mother, she needed to rely on her own strength, not on me. Today I would be the supportive boyfriend, the caring lover, the friend who kicked her ass when needed, but I would not be her Dominant. She had been under the influence of an asshole of a dominant man for most of her life, while her mother stood by and watched. I couldn't bear to think of what it would do to her if she could not face her mother with the strength and confidence I knew she'd built up in her time alone. Although I knew all of this, it still kind of struck me when she stepped away from my steadying hand on her lower back to greet her mother.

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