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AN: I just wanted to quickly say thank you to everybody who chose to read this story in the past week it's been up and also thank you for the votes and the comments ☺ And now, since I know nobody ever actually reads long ANs, lets get on with the story, shall we?
Xoxo M


Josef pulled out a chair for me and I sat. The merchandise had not yet been presented and I was curious as to what it would be. An older man, who turned out to be the auctioneer, stepped onto the stage and tapped his microphone. Josef shifted in anticipation next to me.
"Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen! Tonight we have 19 pieces up for auction, and I can tell you, it's going to get interesting. We have quite a number of exotics even the one or other natural dominant."
The audience laughed at a joke I didn't understand.
"Josef?" I asked quietly, as to not direct too much attention to me.
"Yes Cathy, darling?"
"What exactly is the merchandise here?" I asked,  no longer able to contain my curiosity.
Just then, a long row of chained,  gagged and blindfolded men and women was ushered onto the stage.
"Slaves, dear. Slaves." He told me with a sadistic grin.
Sputtering, I tried to get a grip on myself. He gave me an innocent look that suggested I was being unreasonable in my reaction. Instead of looking at him any longer, I looked around and saw many important faces. No wonder, Josef had taken me here, this  was just another way of socializing for these heartless, milliondollar rich people.
On the stage, the bidding had started on a young woman, around my age. Her hair was a firey red and her skin was cream white. She, like all the others, was stalk naked. Her body made me want to cringe in envy, but then I remembered that it was her looks that probably got her into this situation in the first place. She was sold to a Senator and his wife.
Next up was a small Asian man, his pitchblack hair was in a long braid that reached the middle of his back. The auctioneer explained this was a good way to hold his head still while - and I quote - his Master pounded his glorious dick in the little twinks mouth. The bidding rose high on him until he was finally sold to a topnotch banker.
The auction went on and on and I started to feel more and more sick at what I was witnessing. Every fiber in my body screamed for me to get up, leave and call the cops. But looking around, it was more than likely that one of the buyers had the cops in his pocket. And then all I would have achieved was to get myself in a shitload of trouble and to have ruined four years of hard work planing.
All of a sudden a commotion on stage caught my attention. Two men in black suits were dragging a muscular,  tall, darkhaired man onstage. He was struggling for what his life was worth and even managed to kick one of his guards in the groin so that the he curled on the ground in pain. The other guard kicked the man in the ribs and pulled him to the ground where he repeatedly kicked the poor man in the balls before placing a wellaimed kick in his face. All the while the chained up man was struggling and screaming like a wild animal.
The auctioneer visibly recoiled and tugged at his tie.
"Ladies and Gentlemen,  may I introduce the 'Beast'? Dominant by nature, but broken to submission he would be great for any kind to sexual play. He can get quite wild at times but a little CBT and he's back to normal." His voice wavered and he kept a close eye on 'the Beast'.
I could feel the people around me shrink into their seats, as if the pure thought of having anything to do with the wild creature on stage sent them running for safety.
"We will start the bidding at 10,000." The auctioneer announced.
No hands or signs.
Still no reaction.
I was holding my breath. Something in me wanted to raise my hand and scream 'Here! Me! I want him!' but Josef next to me kept me glued to my seat.
The auctioneer started to sound anxious.
"C'mon people! 4,000!"
The guard kicked the man in the groin - again - and produced a pained scream.
"Will you shut up and behave now?!"  he hissed at his prisoner."Or do you want to have your balls bleed tonight?!"
It most likely wasn't meant for the crowd to hear, but I did, and before I knew what I was doing, my hand was in the air.
"6,000$!" I yelled.
The auctioneer looked as if I had just saved his life.
"Sold to the lady in row four!"
Josef hissed and gripped my arm tightly.
"What the fuck are you doing, Cathy? What are you even going to do with a slave? And that one nonetheless?!"
The rest of the auction went by me in a daze. I had bought a slave. I had done one of the few things I had never thought I would become corrupt enough to do.
After the auction the buyers were asked up to the stage to pay and pick up their merchandise. I lined up with the Senator, the banker and all the others.
"Miss?" A young man in a tailored suit approached me. "You bought the Beast,  correct?"
I nodded.
"With this specific piece of merchandise we offer a home delivery. If you give us an adress and sign the sale contract, we'll have him delivered within the next twentyfour hours."
Again, I simply nodded grimly.
"I want to see him first." I heard myself say. "And I will take notice if he is any more damaged than when I leave him."
The young man, who suddenly didn't seem as chipper, nodded silently and motioned for me to follow him.



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