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AN: (not story relevant just a rant) I'm having a bit of trouble being rlly excited about updating because the riding school I work at is closing down. They're selling all the lesson horses and they're shutting it down by February. Over the past year I've grown really fond of all my students and they've all been making amazing progress.. I'm really sad that I won't be able to teach them anymore. Sadly I don't have the knowledge or the means to open my own school so I'm bound to the person I work for. There might be a successor but the club isn't sure about it yet. There is no telling who it will be and if they'll let me continue my lessons with their horses. At this point I don't know what to do anymore. There is literally nothing I CAN do. Essentially I have to wait and see and maybe say goodbye to my riding lessons all together.

If you read all the way down here you're either rlly sweet or a rlly good friend. I wish there was a point to me writing all this but essentially I just needed to get it out.

Anywhore let's get started with the update!
My poor baby Aram is finally going to a good home *wipes tears* *sniffles*

Don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT!

Qotd: Do you think with the right training that Catherina would make a good Domme? (Answer in the comments ☺)

Xoxo M


I watched as the doctor checked the Beast over. He was really thorough, and halfway through I wanted to go puke my guts out and curl into a little ball. He stuck his fingers in the Beasts behind and felt around which left the huge bound man cringing in pain. I hadn't really taken in exactly how big he was before I saw that even bound like this he still seemed huge. When he took the Beasts balls in his hands roughly and sqeezed them, feeling for something, the man I now called mine screamed in agony and thrashed his head around before bashing it against the concrete floor and becoming startlingly limp.

"Enough, doctor." I ordered.

I couldn't quite believe how in control my voice was.

"What can you tell me?"

The doctor looked at me and shrugged his shoulders.

"He's a slave, what do you care? He's gonna live, if that's what you want to know."

His words hit me like a fright train and I laced my voice with as much dominance and arrogance as I could muster.

"He is my slave, doctor, and therefore it is not your business what I am to care for and what not. Now tell me, what did you find?"

The doctor gulped visibly and then nodded.

"He has rips in the walls of his anus from rough penetrations, they might or might not get infected, I can't tell." I thought I was really going to puke this time. "Disinfecting them twice a day might help and also a healing cream would be advisable. His balls are pretty banged up, the cream would help on the welts from the cane. And if he were not a slave-" he hesitated, then shook his head.

"Humor me." I commanded.

The doctor took a deep breath before continuing.

"If he weren't a slave I'd say no sexual action whatsoever for at least two weeks to give him time to heal."

The poor man looked like he was sweating bullets by now, so I nodded sweetly and thanked him before dismissing him.

I turned to the young man who had led me here and said: "I am exhausted and I would like to go home now. You will be driving me and delivering my merchandise now."

I purposely phrased it as a statement so there would be no discussion about it. He nodded hecticly before asking me to please wait here while he went to get the delivery guys.

After he had left I sank to my knees on the ground and put my head in my hands. Oh dear Lord, what had I gotten myself into? Now I had to act as a slave owner for this man and for the whole society. I had made a spectacle of myself when all I had wanted to stay hidded from this cruel, selfish world. Now I had practically climbed up on a table naked with a microphone in hand screaming 'Here, look at me!'. No doubt people would notice me now, I couldn't just silently dissappear the way Elliott and I had planned. Absentmindedly, I ran a hand through the Beasts short brown hair. And what would I do with him? I couldn't just let him go! He'd kill me! Not to mention that if anyone saw him, they would know that I was too weak to hold a slave. I could not, would not let that happen. There had to be another way. I kept stroking his head as it centered and calmed me until I heard feet shuffling down the hallway.

"We're ready, Miss. We'll take you home now and help you get the Beast to it's cage." A heavily muscled man told me before picking up the Beast and roughly carrying him away.

"Be careful with him. He's damaged enough. If any more harm comes to him, he won't hold up long enough."

I really really hope no one heard how exhausted my voice clung. The man just answered with "Yes Ma'am. " before carrying my new slave away.

The car ride was silent except for the rustle of the sale contract in my hands. It stated officially that I had bought a 29 year old man by the name of Aram Coldwell, aka 'The Beast'. Over the absurdity of it all I forgot that I had no place safe to contain my new 'possession' without him having the chance of hurting me. It only occurred to me when I was asked where my 'playroom' was. After rubbing my face tiredly, I told them to put him in my room and tie him spreadeagled to the bedposts so that I had access to his injuries without him being able to harm me.

That was how I left him and curled up on the couch after securly locking the door so he couldn't murder me in my sleep. I fell asleep instantly.



The Beast EnslavedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora