Chapter 4

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"Rock, paper, siccors, shoot!" Ash shouts. "My point. One more and I win." He provokes Jase.

"One more and I win too buddy." Jase says raising his eyebrows.

They go again. I watch as Ash's hand forms into a rock and Jase's fingers spread into a paper.

"What the freak man! This doesn't even make any sense. Paper is way more dense than rock."

"You know what just forget it." Jase says standing up and walking over to the Major and Sergeant's table. For a moment, I'd forgotten why they'd been playing in the first place. He stands at the table with his hand on his forehead.

"Adress yourself please." The Sergeant says.

"Jase Tomlin, Ranking number 12, Captain, Green wing, 00458."

"Alright, what's the deal Jase?" He asks looking at his plate boredly.

"We want to ask you information about 457 Middle Eastern War." The Sergeant's eyes suddenly brightened up.

"Yes, what about it?" He says looking up to meet Jase's eyes.

"How many more bases 'til they meet ours?" He asks.

"About 5, we're good. Unless you ask to go. But other than that, our base is far behind." He says.

"Thanks Sergeant..."


"Sergeant Cooper sir." Jase walks back to us, his face flushed. I know he was worried about going into war so soon after we'd gotten here.

"War is not the first thing that comes to mind when I hear Captain." He sighs.

"Yeah, I don't think i'm ready for war either." Ash says his face contorting at the the thought of it.

"You know we have our first assignment today? I just heard the majors talking about it. I wonder what it is?" Zach says coming to sit by us with his tray, already chewing from his bread roll.

"Maybe going out to ranges." Jase suggests.

"Not likely. We did that as inductees. It'd have to be more complex. Something we haven't handled yet." Zach replies thoughfully.

"We'll just have to see." Jase sighs.

"Uh..." Zach says under his breath. "Definitely not what I was expecting."

"No kidding." I whisper.

These little stinkers. Can't stand the pests. If I wanted to deal with them I would've stayed home. A little boy, his hair skint and dark with big brown eyes walks up to me. He's maybe 13 and he wears a defiant smile on his face. He stares at me with a look that would intimidate me if I hadn't seen worse.

"Hello Miss. Do you know where I can find the Captain ranking number 1." He says showing me my info on his paper.

"That's me kid." I sigh. He gawks at me for a moment and I send a smug smile at him.

"But you're a... girl." He says, his eyes already scrutinizing my demeanor.

"And you're a... boy." I respond mocking him. He rolls his eyes and turns his back to me. I already hate this boy.

Malik walks onto the stage, his hair freshly cut and his face stern as usual. I haven't talked to him in awhile. We haven't exactly been crossing each other's paths and it's against the rules to go into higher authority's offices unannounced.

"Surprise Captains. You're first assignment are the world's worst child juvenile dilequents. You're job is to inform them of the job of a navy seal. How? You will demonstrate every exercise that we do at the camp." Everyone stares at him with their mouths agape. Well, all except me. I'm silently scolding him, thinking of ways to torture him. "Have fun Caps." He smiles evily, taking a moment to look at me and wink. I roll my eyes and pull the kid out the door by his collar, ignoring his disgusting protests.

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