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This story is based on a TRUE STORY. The girl in Lucy's role here is my mom's classmate in Medical School. Her love story was very interesting so I took the liberty of REVISING it but still stay in the essence of the original one.

This is a LONG ONE-SHOT STORY. So it will only last for about 1-5 chapters I think. Maybe even more. It depends.

Here are the mechanics:

1. All bold words are The character's words/ POV
2. All the italicized words are the flashbacks
3. Nashi is a fictional character of Hiro Mashima. He said so himself in an interview that if Natsu and Lucy had a child, it would be named NASHI. So yes, Nashi is our main character in this story. Natsu and Lucy are the 2nd main characters here.
4. I will only mention some characters in the story because I can't incorporate everyone in one book. It's hard to find a proper role for the other characters.
5. Sorry to say this but talking animals are not to be seen talking here. But HAPPY will still be in the story.
6. There will be conflicts but you'll get use to it.

Short summary:

This story focuses on Nashi and how she wants to achieve her wish of seeing her mom. With a silent father not spilling the secrets, Nashi resorts to desperate measures. This goes against all her lessons to be a well mannered lady. The truth is like a slap in the face once she finally revealed the secret.


I hope everyone will enjoy this Nalu + Nashi story. Inspiration just hit me in the most logical way, just hearing old ladies talking about their love life and that made me grin so much. Don't worry, most of the story is all Nalu. Only one half of the story focuses on Nashi. I think that would be all for now. Thank you for reading this and enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!

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