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He sat in the taxi, watching the tall buildings pass by. It was three AM, the pitch-black sky contrasting the bright lights of London city. Streetlights and window signs cast a fluorescent light upon his face, exposing his furrowed brows and thoughtful eyes.

It was perplexing to him how a single phone call could change his life entirely. Alas, it had been a decision he was longing to make, but Kennedy's heart-breaking sobbing phone call had pushed him over the edge. He had been miserable for so long, not content with his current life and profession. He had grown tired of their never-ending tour, eternal recording sessions and singing of the songs he never even really liked. He had been longing for it to end for so long – for him to finally be happy again.

Then he met Kennedy, whose persona lit up his shadowed and dark self like a lighthouse of hope. He had fallen madly and hopelessly in love with her, and caught himself smiling when thinking of her. And he thought of her all the time, what felt like every minute of every day. When he had been away from her, he felt empty and miserable again. So, when she called him crying, saying she needed him he finally made the decision to leave – to pursue his happiness. He decided to leave the band behind and venture on a journey of love and ataraxia.

The taxi driver announced their arrival at his apartment, so Zayn handed him a note, grabbed his bags and drew his breath slowly and deeply as he entered his apartment building. The closer he got to his apartment, the faster his feet seemed to be moving – as if his body subconsciously needed to be with her.

Finally there, entering his apartment and tossing his luggage just across the threshold, his eyes instantly searched for her perfectly messy blonde hair and beautifully deep brown eyes. His search was unsuccessfully, though he heard the shower running in the bathroom.

"Kenny? Are you in here?" he said when approaching the bathroom.

And that was where he found her. Kennedy was sitting in the shower, knees tucked under her chin and arms wrapped around her legs. Her dainty frame was shivering, and her wet locks were hanging in front of her face. Ever so slowly, she turned her face towards him, a careful smile settling on her lips. Alas the smile didn't last long, because after a second or so she began sobbing again.

Zayn rushed over to her, entering the shower fully clad, sitting down behind her, and wrapping his strong arms around her. Instantly, her body relaxed, sinking into him.

"Shh," he said comfortingly in her ear, gently rocking back and forth. "Everything's going to be okay."

They sat there for a while, drops of cold water falling onto them from the waterfall showerhead. Yet, Zayn didn't feel cold at all. He felt warmer than ever, in the arms of his love. He occasionally left kisses along her shoulders, constantly rocking in a comforting manner.

Zayn didn't know what was wrong, or in what way Kennedy had fucked up. He just knew that she was upset, and it was his calling to comfort her. So he did, and she calmed down, and when she had, he pulled her out of the shower and wrapped her in warm towels. He made her a cup of tea, and sat her down on the couch to tell her his news.

She was calm, but she looked so hollow. Her eyes looked so tired, and the tears she had shed had left them red and sore. It broke his heart so see her like this, without knowing why she was so upset. He begged her to tell him what was wrong, so he could fix it, but she just sat there – drinking her tea and twiddling her thumbs. She looked at him, and she looked lost in thoughts, caught in a tempest of emotions. It looked as if she had an eternal dilemma she was trying to figure out. And it seemed that Zayn was right, because Kennedy put down her cup and turned to face him. Her cheeks and chest were flushed and she seemed to have regained warmth. Her lips opened and closed multiple times, as if she was trying to say something, but somehow couldn't.

"What's wrong, baby?" Zayn asked, nearly begging to know. "Please tell me."

She sighed almost inaudibly, and smiled ever so slightly.

"Nothing's wrong, Zayn," she said, voice hoarse. "It's just that I've realized something that's terrifying me."

"What?" Zayn asked, trying to understand but failing.

Looking down, blushing again, Kennedy drew her breath before speaking. The words escaping her lips stopping Zayn's heart for a split second and filling him with unconditional and total bliss.

"I've realized that... I love you."

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