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Kennedy lay on the white leather couch, dainty legs tangled in a plush blanket. Soft rays of sunlight were seeping through the enormous living room windows – the far wall entirely made of glass enlightening the entire living room area. She groaned as the warmth of the sun was waking her up from her nap.

She had been staying at Zayn’s way too spacious apartment for the past ten days, and the succumbing mixture of her loneliness, heavy heart and being in this god damned apartment that felt way too big for her was driving her insane.

Emitting a muffled groan, she brushed strands of wavy blonde hair from her face and sat up in the sofa. She was wearing nothing but a plain white t-shirt, one she actually had borrowed from Zayn’s laundry basket. It smelled of him – a comforting odour given the fact that he was on tour, performing in front of stadiums filled with hurdles of thousands and thousands of screaming girls, mean the while she was lounging around, doing absolutely nothing.

When checking her phone, she was delighted to see a text message from the raven-haired boy whom she’d recently moved in with. Alas, she was not too excited by the three missed calls from her previous manager.

Robin had been everything but pleased that night when Kennedy picked up the phone to tell him she was done with the skimpy private-dances-secret-bedroom-activities job. Terrified by the fact that he was losing his most valued girl, he had done everything he possibly could have in order to make her stay. He offered her tripled salaries. He even offered to give her a free pass out of any sexual activities she previously had had to perform. Albeit the money had tempted her immensely, she resisted the urge to stay when giving thought to the fact that she had everything she ever could want in this foolish boy whom had confessed his deepest affections for her. Although she didn’t want to stay with him for the money, he had offered to let her stay in his God-like apartment, given her a free pass to all the facilities she might ever need. No longer would she have to worry about electricity bills, cold showers or keeping food on the table ever again. Hell, Zayn had even offered to pay for her education if that was something she had wished to pursue. As of right now, she wasn’t sure just what she wanted to do yet, but she had her mind set that she would figure that all out before Zayn returned home in four days for a three-day break.

She had spent her mornings alone doing whatever she could in order to find out just what she wanted to do. Alongside her coffee cup were newspapers with red circles scattered all over them, about every “help needed” and “job available” ads carefully read. She had borrowed Zayn’s expensive computer to investigate what university courses nearby that caught her interest. So far she either had no interest in either jobs or courses, or she couldn’t pick which one she’d like the most.

Gently swiping the pad of her thumb across the lit-up display of her phone, she called Zayn, more interested in actually talking to him as opposed to texting. It took three rings before Zayn’s soft voice purred in her ear.

Hi baby,” he softly cooed.

“Hi,” she said, sounding almost shy.

Fuck, I miss you so much. Hearing your voice just made my day.

Kennedy felt her cheeks heat up. “Is that so?” she knavishly purred back. “Where are you right now?”

’Bout to board our plane to Spain, actually.”



Some strange needle-like pain rose in Kennedy’s chest. “Oh,” she simply said, and it was silent for about five seconds. “Right now?”

Yeah,” he said. “Listen, I’d love to talk to you, but I’m literally about to get on the plane. Everyone else’s already on. Can I call you before the show tonight?

She was just about to part her plump lips and let her raspy voice assure Zayn that she’d absolutely love that, but he quickly spoke again, robbing her of that opportunity.

Never mind, I don’t think I’ll have time. How bout after?”



“Yeah, Zayn,” she said, sounding every bit as annoyed and bored as she actually was. “Whatever.”

Ace. Love you.” His words came out rushed, followed by silence. He had hung up.

Puffing her cheeks out, Kennedy instantly made up her mind.

Tonight, she was most certainly not going to be bored. Tonight she’d dress up real nice, tuck some banknotes into her dress and head out – fully intending to experience every bit of fun London could offer.

Her mind was swirling around one fact, and that was if Zayn could have fun, she sure as hell could too.

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