CHAPTER #28- Fighting!

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Gray and Simon D had a few out of town and country shows. When they were gone, Jay Park and Loco were home. Ugly Duck was just as active and both DJs were spinning often. AOMG artists were busy with photo shoots, radio spots, and promotions. Nari never saw the guys together, or Hoody, unless she came to the AOMG office or was at Cafe Dudart. She was glad to have Mi-hi as a friend, to hang out with, since her boyfriend was so busy. Nari also was trying to be a match maker, between Jay Park and Mi-hi. Where opportunity presented itself, Nari gave a helping push.

"Can you come get me, I just can't deal with my sister right now." Mi-hi said into her cell phone, ignoring the yelling behind her.

"When I sent you that hashtag, I didn't mean a legit war between you and your sister."

Mi-hi sighed, "I know. She's just being such a controlling bitch today.... I've walked out the door, I'll see you on your way here."

"Alright, your helmet is already locked on the motorcycle. I just have to clean up a little."

"Thanks Nari."

Once off the phone, Nari sent a text to Jay Park, who was at the AOMG office. She asked if he had some time to meet at Cafe Dudart for a late lunch. They agreed on a time. Then Nari put on her riding gear and fired up the motorcycle. It didn't take her long to find Mi-hi. Once her friend had put on the helmet, mounting the back of the bike, they took off.

Pulling over and into a parking spot, Nari turned off the motorcycle. "Felt like you could use a drink and I'm hungry. I haven't gone grocery shopping in ages. It's hard to carry a load on the bike and Simon's been away a few weeks."

"It's all good. Just ask if you want me to drive you to get groceries," Mi-hi added.

"I forgot you have a car. We just usually ride everywhere."

"That's because riding is much more fun!"

Nari laughed, locked their helmets on the motorcycle and then they walked into Cafe Dudart. Pulling out her cell phone, she realized they were early for meeting up with Jay Park, but that was perfect. They got a table and placed their orders.

"So what was today's argument about?" Nari asked.

"We have a big shipment of vases to go out, that I haven't completed painting. She wants me painting round the clock and I just can't do it. I suggested outsourcing the work or even hiring a few people to help for big orders. To Mi-Cha that only means I'm being lazy, instead of practical. Her excuse is that we just can't afford it."

"It's been slow at the studio, no new commissioned pieces and I only have one class every other evening. So I'll help you. Just show me what medium you guys use and put what you need done in front of me. I can do that with you tonight if you want."

"Nari you're a life saver... why didn't I think of that. But how will I pay you, my sister won't cough up a dime."

"You'll owe me a favour and one day I'll collect it."

Jay had arrived and overheard the conversation, "you sound like a Mafia boss Nari."

The ladies laughed and he said hello. After placing his order, he joined Mi-hi having a beer.

"So tonight you're okay coming over?" Mi-hi asked Nari.

"Sure.... Hey did you and Jay ever do that dance off?"

Jay smiled, "who has time... but that will change. In two weeks, were having the annual AOMG barbecue."

"Wait... Simon never mentioned this to me," Nari frowned.

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