CHAPTER #15- Pixie Dust

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Under Nari's care, Simon D got over the flu quickly and was able to return to work. Fortunately Nari didn't get sick and that was a relief to everyone. She contacted the cab driver who had wanted to commission her to do some artwork for his family. After meeting them for lunch and asking questions to get a better understanding of what was wanted, the concept for the art began to take shape, while she was at work. By the time she returned home in the evening, a preliminary sketch was done. Some online research gave her inspiration and Nari began to paint. So absorbed in the art she became, that even her cellphone ringing, didn't penetrate her mind.

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Simon ended up leaving a voice mail, "hi Nari, I'm done for the day, let me know if you want to join us for dinner."

"She's probably tired, from taking care of you these last few days," Gray teased.

"Maybe. If we don't hear back in half an hour, we'll go eat without her."

Loco asked, "so Jay said she made some power food to get you healthy. What was it?"

Simon described what he remembered and Jay did too. The other guys and Hoody were in awe of how caring Nari had been.

Hoody wondered out loud, "if she cooks that well, why doesn't she work at a restaurant or even at one of those specialty food places?"

"That's a good question, seems to me too, that it would be more rewarding," Ugly Duck added.

"Did you guys ever talk about what her ideal job would be?" DJ Pumkin asked Simon D.

"Yeah, she said owning an art gallery and helping kids follow their artistic dreams."

"So like teaching art?" Chase asked to clarify.

"I guess so. Just focusing on art in general."

"She's got the money, so why doesn't she lease a place and set up a gallery or art studio?" Jay wondered out loud.

They talked about it over food and Simon D said he'd ask Nari in the morning. Since she hadn't called him back, he decided she'd probably went to bed early. He wanted to do something nice for her, but wasn't sure what. She kept scolding him for spending money on her and didn't wear jewelry, unless they went to an event or special dinner. How could he top himself, after what he'd done while away on tour? It was even more important now, because of their love declarations. Nari had given him a ring and a painting of him, which was art from her heart and soul. Then took care of him, with the same amount of love as his mother, during the flu.

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Meanwhile, Nari needed to talk to Hep about his graphics program. She called Simon, "hi, Sorry I didn't call you back, I've been working on a commissioned piece of art all evening. Is Hep with you or at AOMG still?"

"He's with us. Hold on, I'll give him my cell." Simon D passed his phone to Hep.

"Hi Nari, what's up?" Hep asked.

"Um... well I was hoping to go over some stuff with you, using that graphics program you showed me once before. I'm not sure if what I'm thinking of, can be done. Do you have some time for me to come by tomorrow afternoon?"

"Sure, drop in any time, we could go now if you want.... And Nari, I'm honoured to help you."

"Hep you're making me blush... thanks for saying that.... Isn't it too late to go to AOMG now?"

"If you're inspired right now, I can meet you there," Hep offered.

"Really? That would be awesome. I'll bring what I've got sketched out, cause the painting part is too wet right now. I've been developing this since I got home from work, oh thanks so much, see you soon!" Nari hung up, washed her hands, packed all the sketches, colour swabs and notes. She took pictures of what she'd painted so far, on her cell. Then called a cab.

Simon Dominic: Doubling ForwardOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora