It Begins

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4 years old

"Mommy, daddy are y'all ready yet!"

"Yes now shut the hell up and get you and your crap in the car," my mom says coldly.

I don't even respond I just put my things in the car and think 'why me, what did I ever do.'

Once I'm situated in the car I pull out my favorite book and read hoping it will take me far away from here, this hell hole I call home.

A long car Ride to the airport later

I stay close to my mom and dad at the airport so I don't get lost. We run are bags through and get patted down. Once we have our tickets we board.

Off the plane

Once we hop off the plane my mom grabs my arm and drags me to a car, she throws me in the back seat with my bags. It was a three hour drive to get to our rented log cabin.

At the cabin

I bring my luggage in our cabin.

"Hey you little brat don't just stand there and be worthless and go put all your shit up in your room," my dad says.

I look down the hallway and I find my room I guess it was my room any way cause it the smallest

I look down the hallway and I find my room I guess it was my room any way cause it the smallest

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I set my stuff down and get in the bed and relax.

The Girl Raised By Wolves Where stories live. Discover now