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It was a really busy day at work and I hadn't got a chance to sit down and have a break.

There wasn't that many staff in today either mainly because they were sick. It was probably a bug going round.

"Camila, you're on tills." Andres instructed.

I went over to the tills and called over the next customer.

"Hola." I said.

"Hola." He replied.

I scanned his items and placed them into a bag as there was a lot of them.

"That's eighty euros, senor." I checked the price.

He looked down at his wallet, counting the euros and then looked up at me. He glanced at me for a few seconds and I awkwardly stood there.

"Have I seen you before?" He asked me.

"Um, nope, I don't think so." I answered.

I thought about whether I recognized him as well.

He had very dark brown hair and brown eyes. He looked quite similar to Neymar if I'm honest. Just the features.

"No sorry, I don't recognize you." I said.

"Ah, I must be thinking of someone else." He chuckled.

He handed me the money and I put it into the till. I gave him his change and put his receipt in the bag.

"Hasta luego." I said.

"Adios," he replied.

For the rest of the day, I carried on doing the tills until the last couple of hours, I had to help customers.

I was stacking some trainers on the shelf when someone tapped my shoulder. I got up and faced them.

He was looking down at his trainers, "Hi, can you get these in a size eight and a half please?" He looked at me.

A smile grew on my face.

"When will you ever leave me alone?" I chuckled taking the trainer from his hand.

"You're irresistible." Neymar smirked.

"I'll be back." I told him.

I went to the back and got his trainers and then came back out.

He was sitting on one of the benches with both elbows on his knees and his fingers intertwined with each other.

I swear when any guy does that, it's just hot.

"I got your shoes." I told him.

His eyes looked up at me and he sat up straight.

I handed the box and he opened it up, trying on his trainers.

"They fit." He said, "Thank you."

"Alright, I'll take them up to the counter." I smiled.

Neymar walked to the till and I went behind it to scan his trainers.

The shop was completely empty now and it was only me and Amanda left in the store.

"That's fifty five euros please." I said.

Neymar inserted his card while I put the Nike box in a bag for him.

He typed his pin in and the receipt printed out, which I put in his bag.

"Have a good evening." I smiled.

"What are you doing for the rest of the night?" Neymar asked me.

She's Mine | Camila Cabello and Neymar JrWhere stories live. Discover now