Chapter Thirty-Five

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Since I woke up from a coma, all I could do was think about shit could of turned out way different. I was pissed off that Mace had caught me slipping. I should of just killed his ass right off the bat but I had to know why. Why he did what he did, and then Tammy and him flipped the script on my ass. I should of never trusted that bitch and that was my mistake. Me wanting to know why could of cost me my life.

I didn't expect to walk out of that room alive. I thought that there was no way, then I heard Kash's voice and that all changed. I was surprised to see her but that surprise slowly switched to anger. I sent her away for a reason and to see her standing next to me threw me off. I knew nthat Mace wasn't going to let her leave out of there alive either. So all I could tell her to do was shoot him, he still had his gun on me but I didn't care. Her safety was all I could think about.

Shots downstairs caught us off guard and Mace took that time to let off shots and the last thing he cared about was which one of us he hit. My only concern was Kash so I used my body to block hers.


I was lost in my thoughts until I laid eyes on her. I had been up for the past three days and every day Kash had been up here. I was happy to see her, happy to be alive and I know I owed it to her but I was still mad about was her showing up. Shit could have ended way different. She could have been the one in a hospital bed right now or even worse.

The last few days I hadn't been saying much and she didn't push me to talk but I knew she could tell something was off with me. I watched as she took off her jacket and draped it over the chair and took a sit.

"How are you today?"

Everyday she asked me the same questions when she came in here and everyday I gave her the same answer. We kind of just sat around in silence for the past few days but I could tell that today something was on her mind and since she was the one person who knew me better than anybody that she could tell something was on mine.

"Is there something wrong," she asked me.

"Why you ask?"

"Because since you woke up you've been quiet and short with me."

"I'm good," I shrugged.

"So your not mad at me?"

I looked at her as she was waited on me to answer her.

"Why would I be mad at you?"

"I don't know," she shrugged.

"I mean other than the fact you don't listen I'm good."

"Don't listen," she looked confused.


"And what don't I listen about?"

"I sent your ass away for a reason Kash."

"You did, to protect me but I wasn't the one who needed protection."

"Do you know how dumb that shit was? You didn't know what could of popped off when you showed up. Nigga's could of shot you and not thought twice about it. You didn't know what you were walking into."

"That's why I was prepared and ready for whatever. I came in there and did what I had to do."

"You didn't have to do shit but stay your ass in Jamaica."

"And if I did where would you be right now if it wasn't for me? I saved your life not one but twice now," she held up two fingers, "I did what I had to do and you should be thanking me. I risked my life to save yours, what other female do you know would of hopped on a plane and did what I did? I'll wait."

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