Chapter Six

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 It had been about a month since my emotional breakdown I guess you could call it. Me and August hadn't mentioned that night because we still rarely see each other other than picking up or dropping off Kaliyah. When we did see each other things were awkward on my end, I felt stupid that I let him get to me and get me like that.

What's done is done though and all I could do now was move on. Life was great and me and Dominic were seeing a lot more of each other. We were still taking things slow and that was best for now. Between work and Kaliyah I didn't have much free time and when I did have free time I rather spend it sleeping, reading or eating.

But not this weekend, because my birthday was this Sunday. I had everything all planned out. Friday night I was going out with Dominic, Saturday I was having a spa day and that night me, Danielle and Braeden were going clubbing and Sunday I was dedicating the day to Kaliyah and Ms. Sheila, we were going to do a little bit of shopping and then I was taking her to skyzone before we went back to Ms. Sheila's and help make dinner.

Friday had come and gone and my date with Dominic was-

"It was amazing. He told me before hand that we were going to La Rue."

"La Rue," Danielle questioned, "I heard that place was expensive, like really expensive."

"I tried to get a reservation there but they told me it was booked for the next two months. So how the hell did he manage to get a reservation," Braeden asked.

"I don't know," I shrugged with a smile, "But the place was beautiful inside. Sparkling chandeliers, gold silverware with crème colored decor'-"

"Okay Martha Stewart. Less about the decor, I want to hear the juicy shit," Braeden smirked.

I rolled my eyes at him.

"What did you wear," Danielle asked me.

"My pale green Chanel dress, the one I bought a few months ago."

"And you claimed you wouldn't have anywhere to wear it to."

I picked up the dress a few months ago out shopping with them. It was a beautiful dress, a bit expensive but it was worth the price obviously by the look on Dominic's face when he saw me in it.

"He picked me up, not on his motorcycle but in his Jaguar and once we got to the restaurant we ordered and talked and it was different. I felt high class and sophisticated."

"How was the food," Danielle asked.

"It was overpriced and not really worth it but I didn't say anything. Especially when he admitted that it was one of his favorite places to come and eat and that he made the reservation months ago. But honestly I would of rather had pizza."

They both rolled there eyes at my comment but I was being honest. I know hole in the wall places with food a hundred times better than what I got served last night.

"The food was okay like I said but the wine was worth it."

"I don't care about the wine, what did he give you?"

I side eyed Braeden, "How do you know the dinner wasn't a gift?"

"Because I know for a fact he has money and he's obviously not cheap."

I smiled, "He gave me a pair of earrings.

"Diamonds," Danielle asked and I nodded my head not really seeing the big deal as the both of them went on and on about him giving me diamonds.

"So what happened when he dropped you off?"

"Well he walked me to the door and we kissed and we said goodnight and that's it."

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