Chapter Nineteen

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The past few months have been tough, really tough. It was hard trying to get out of that negative space I was in, I was a mess. Some days I would be good but then others days all I did was lay in bed and cry. After August told me everything that was going on, it scared me. I wondered who else was in on the plan with Jayceon and who else wanted to hurt me, hurt him, hurt our family.

I started to become paranoid which only made things worse, I didn't want to leave the house out of fear. August stayed by my side though it all, he rarely ever left my side except for when his phone rang or when he spent time with his mom or Kaliyah.

But one day I guess he got fed up and he basically told me that he wasn't going to let me sit around anymore. That I was neglecting everything, my business and most importantly Kaliyah. It took some time but I knew that he was right.

I found a therapist that dealt specifically in rape and I saw her four days a week, and on top of that I started seeing my old therapist again Ms. Baxter to talk over all of my other problems. Two months into it and I wasn't completely over all that has happened to me but I wasn't sitting around in the house anymore.

Not only was the therapy working but having support from everyone around me. I sat down with Danielle and Braeden and told them everything. They were shocked, confused, angry, hurt but it felt good to tell them, be honest with them. Ms. Sheila was still a big help and so was August.

Three weeks ago I started going back to work at the suggestion of Ms. Baxter. She wanted me to get out there and start getting back into my daily routine. I missed everyone and from the love that I got everyone missed me to.

Fast forward to today and I was nearly back to normal, I still had my times but for the most part I was okay. Today Kaliyah was spending the day with August and no matter how much she begged and pleaded I told her that I had work to do. Even August wanted me to come out with the two of them but I had so much work to do and since I liked to do my own finances for I had a lot of work to catch up on. Employees had to be paid along with bills and other things.

A few hours in and I was all done, I kind of wished that I had taken August up on his offer to go out but after a shower I threw on some sweats and lounged around in the living room with the control so I could catch up on some TV and sleep. I was watching re-runs of Sleepy Hollow when there was a knock at the door.

I turned the TV down some and got up to look out of the peep hole thinking that it was August but to my surprise it was Mace. I looked down at my sweats and undid the locks and opened up the door.

He was standing there looking suave in one of his signature suits.


"Hi. I hope you don't mind me popping up like this."

"It's fine, umm come in," I moved to the side to let Mace walk in past me and shut and locked the door behind him. I haven't seen him since before I left the hospital and from what August told me he was out of the country handling some stuff.

"I just wanted to see how you were doing."

I smiled, "I'm okay. I've been going to therapy and it's helped a lot."

"I'm glad to hear that," he looked around my apartment and back at me, "Where's little Ms. Liyah?"

"She's spending the day with August."

He nodded, "And so you've got the whole day to yourself and your spending it in front of the TV?"

"I had some work to do but I just finished up not to long ago and I just decided to spend the rest of the day in."

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