Once Upon a Time

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Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, named Timoria, which resided in the heart of Egypt, there lived a kind, wise king. He reigned over the land of golden deserts, of spellbinding rainforests, of exotic dancers and fire-breathers, sword swallowers and snake charmers. People from all over Africa flocked there, creating a melting pot of both dark and light skins that lived in perfect harmony. There were no cars, no electricity, and no modern convinces, but the people were happy, for their kingdom was like something out of a story from Arabian Nights.

The king was a tall, handsome fellow, with dark chocolate skin and laughing eyes, and a face that almost always had a smile on it. On the surface, he looked like a mighty warrior, but in truth, he was as gentle as a lamb, and wise beyond his years. He believed that the pen was mightier than the sword, and would repay anyone any kindness, be they rich or poor. His deep, booming voice was almost always in a kind tone, and he strived to right any wrong in his kingdom.

Ruling by his side was his beautiful wife, Isis. Queen Isis was descended from ancient Egyptian royalty, and as such, had been named after the Egyptian goddess of marriage herself. She had perfectly tanned, light brown skin, and long, wavy black tresses that fell to her waist. Her lips were as red as wine, and she had a beauty mark inches from the right corner of her mouth. But her eyes were her most striking feature. No one was sure how it was possible for a pure-blooded Egyptian, but it was. Isis had clear, violet-colored eyes, as bright and vibrant as purple irises blooming against the last snow of winter.

Isis was as kind as she was beautiful, and together, she and her husband ruled Timoria with wisdom, compassion, and understanding. But there was only one problem. The royal couple had been married for years, but they had no children to show for it. They tried to conceive, but Isis's womb remained empty. Oh, how they longed to have a child! Soon, they finally came to terms with the fact that they would never become parents.

But fate had other plans. One day, they were taking a romantic elephant ride in the desert(it may not seem so romantic to you, but everyone's entitled to a different opinion of what's romantic and what's not, right?).  There, they found a girl's body lying face down in the sand.  For a moment, they were afraid that she was dead.  He jumped off the elephant, ran over, and checked for a pulse.  She was alive, but barely.

Isis and the king took the girl to their palace and personally nursed her back to health.  The girl had tanned olive skin, piercing blue-gray eyes, and long golden hair that fell like a waterfall down her back.  When she was well enough, Isis asked her where was her home, her family, or her friends.  The girl only hung her head and said, "I don't have a home.  I lost the only family member I had.  And as for friends?  I thought I had them, but I was wrong."

Isis and the king felt sympathy for this young woman.  They talked it over with the royal council, and a week after she woke up for the first time, they signed the papers and adopted the girl as their own daughter.  The royal couple finally had a child, the girl finally had a true family, and the kingdom finally had an heir to the throne. All was well.

The girl became the Princess and future Queen of Timoria.  Even though she said it was okay, Isis and the king didn't want to rename her.  They told her they liked her original name, the name of the Greek goddess of the moon and the hunt...


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