Lunch Time!

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The day had been going great. Arie was in all my class and we laughed all through the day. She taught me the way of the school and she confirmed my suspicion. She was a part of the popular crowd. She said that the cafeteria was a chaotic mess. She said that their were different groups. They were your stereotypical groups. Nerds, regulars, Actors, Dramas, and the most famous The Popular Crowd. Apparently, there is three groups of the popular crowd. Two out of the three get along. The two that get along are the regular popular, they are nice, funny, regular people. They are just all around good people. And then there is the cocky popular. They are kind of like the jocks of an arts school. They are cocky, amazing at the subject they do, and just think they are the best. And then there is the mean popular people, they're a mean cocky, think they are better than everyone, put people down, and hate everyone who isn't them or who isn't popular. I was nervous , to say the least. 

I was walking back to my locker were I told my brother I would meet him. 

"Hey!" I hear when I get to my locker. I spin around to slam right into Jaylon's chest. 

"Oh, Hey!" I said smiling up at hi. 

"Soooo, how's the day going?" He asks. 

"It's is going great. We are going to have so much fun here!" I say beaming. 

"Good! You ready for lunch?" He says. 

"Yeah. I guess." I said. 

We walked away chatting and laughing. Walking right through the hallway. 

We walk into the cafeteria and stop laughing. I look over at Jaylon and can tell he is nervous. 

"Hey! Hey! It is going to be okay! We are going to make it through this! Together!" I say grabbing his hand. He looks at me and gives me a smile. I smile back and guide him over to the gourmet food because everyone knows I love food. 

I grab a garden style grilled cheese, a bowl of strawberries, and a cheesecake cake batter dip with french fries to dip into the batter. I pay for my food and wait for Jaylon. When he is down we walk into the main room. It looked like your stereotypical lunch rooms. Long tables of people crowded around them, people all over, noise coming from every direction. It was nerve-wrecking. I get a good grip on my tray and take Jaylon's hand. I look back it the crowd to see Ara waving me down. I laugh and walk over to her with Jaylon and sit down in the two empty seats she saved for us. I place my tray down and hug Arie. 

"Hey!" She yells 

"Hey!" I say. I take my seat as Jaylon sits down next to me. He is familiar with Arie,but to us the rest are strangers. Jaylon grabs my hand underneath the table and I squeeze his hand tightly. I look at everyone with a blank expression. I am sure I have my bitch face on because that is how I am. I have a resting bitch face. I smile awkwardly at them and the awkwardly smile back. We sit there awkwardly smiling until Arabella realizes what is going in and jumps in.

"O my gosh! I am so sorry. Guys, gals, this is Remalyn Taylor. Call her Remi! And this is her twin  brother, Jaylon Taylor. These are the Taylor Twin Duo everyone knows about. " Arie said with ease. I laughed and Jaylon cracked a smile.  

"You.. You are The Taylor Twin Duo?!?" A girl with black hair asked. She seemed... outgoing, a little intimidating and scary almost. She also looks like she has a lot of fun. Yes. I know weird that I got all that from one look. But that is one of my many freaky little talents. Like being able to do the spider. A dance move where you are laying on your stomach and your legs are over your head. Then you move your legs all the way around your body. Anyway, I can tell what people are like with one glance of them.

'Yes! Yes we are!" Jaylon said like James Bond. We all laughed. After everyone was done laughing Arie continued the introductions. 

"Well  this Imogene Young she is an amazing ballroom dancer and ballerina. She wants to be a Prima Ballerina. She is very smart, has brown hair, and is very tall. As you can see. She is 17 years old. Say hi Ima" Arabella said. Ima looks up at Jaylon and me with a genuine smile and says hi. Arie keeps going. 

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