Getting Accepted!

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So up here is a picture of the school of the campus. Enjoy the story! 


 "Hey it is going to be okay! You are going to get in no matter what. Let's open them both at the same time. Ready?" My twin brother says. 

Let me explain. My name is Remalyn Taylor, but everyone calls me Remi and 6 weeks ago I auditioned to one of the best Performing Arts High Schools in the Country, let alone the world. It is called Idrina Performing Arts.It is placed in Los Angeles and it is amazingly big. Los Angeles is only four hours from my hometown in California. And if I get in there is no way I am not going. They start on September 1 and today is August 28. Sign ins are on the first and the first day of classes are on the second. IPA is almost like a college, but it is a high school. It has a HUGE campus and because it has it all, you have to stay in the DORMS and it has an amazing food supply! IPA has been my brother and I's dream school for years. And if our acceptance letters say yes then we will be going to the high school for our senior year in high school. My brother, Jaylon, auditioned for the dance portion of the school and I auditioned for the Dance and Music portion of it.

We are sitting on the white, fuzzy carpet of my hardwood floor. I know Jaylon can tell that I am stressing out. My anxiety is wrapping itself into a ball and if I don't get in to this school I don't know what I will do. I have tried so hard and been through so much, too much, for this to go sideways. The big white letters have to mean something right? I think to myself. Jaylon reads my mind by reaching to grab my shaking hand. 

"It'll be okay Rem. I believe it and you should too. You have tried so hard. You spent countless hours with Maria practicing your vocals and with Drake sweating out every plie and pop-and-lock to not make it!" Jaylon assures me. I laugh at his dance references from ballet to hip-hop. He should know better than me that the pop-and-lock is only something our father would do. Especially since he has been dancing since he was 5. I started dancing at 10 when I realized how much of a stress relief it was after watching Jaylon use it when he would think about her. 

Not the time, Remi. You can't think of her right now. She would want you to pay more attention to what is going on right now. You are planning your future! 

 With our dad being Morgan Taylor, world-wide Actor and Owner of the multi-million dollar music producing company, and our mom being, Mary Anne Taylor, world wide Australian Supermodel,  we had been on countless sets for modeling and movies. Note the sarcasm! It's not that we don't love our parents. Don't get me wrong Jaylon and I are super close to our family, especially since the incident. But we are so world wide known because of our parents that this was only the real future we had. Doing something in the public eye, not that I am complaining. Even if our parents were famous we would still want to dance and sing.  Jaylon and I could have anything we want, but we were raised right and we are never using the money to our benefit and being bratty and selfish. We were never spoiled and I like it that way.It is humbling and it helps that our grandparents are really against the whole spoiling thing.  

I look at Jaylon and nod,I am way to nervous to talk. 

"Okay, 1..2...3!" Jaylon yells and we both tear open our large white envelopes. My green eyes scan over the paper till I found the word I have been waiting for my whole life. ACCEPTED! 

"I've been accepted,"I whisper. I look up at Jaylon and we yell at the same time," I HAVE BEEN ACCEPTED!" I break out into a huge smile and jump up. 

"WE HAVE BEEN ACCEPTED! WE ARE GOING TO IPA!" Jaylon yells at me. Jumping up also. He catches me in a hug, twirling us around as my long legs fly out from underneath me. I through my head back and laugh. He puts me down and I look at my twin brother, smiling. If we were the same gender we would be identical. 

"Jay, we are going to our dream school!" I say quietly. 

"I know, Remi! Let's go tell mom and dad!" Jaylon pulls me through my door and down the grand stairs. He pulls me through a maze of halls I know as my huge mansion of a home, which is a little over the top, till he reaches the kitchen where my mother and father are sitting at the kitchen island, drinking cups of coffee and reading a book or a newspaper. They are still in their pajamas because it is 9 o'clock in the morning. 

The morning goes through a haze of screams of excitement, finding out what we were picked for, and shopping for our dorm rooms. At the end of the day I am sitting on my bed with my brother. My brother is like my best friend because our parents were really protective over us because, you know, my parents being known all around the world and everything. So, I don't have many friends. Actually, I don't have any friends except for Jaylon. 

"Okay, we are flying out tomorrow to LA and then staying the night at a hotel while the movers drive our stuff down to LA. Then the next day, which is a Sunday, will be spent in admissions and unpacking. " Jaylon says," Okay now, tell me every of information I need and you need to know."

"Okay, well I was accepted for Music, and Dance. I have Music on Monday and Wednesday, dance on Tuesday and Thursday, and then I have a double session Friday. I will be staying in the McCain Dorm on floor 24 in room 259. I am sharing a dorm with 3 other girls, who I am super excited to meet. I am able to have my car which is being shipped up next week, along with your car and both of our bikes. I have everything pack and all the things I will need to decorate my dorm. And last, but DEFINITELY not least, I started my period today!" I say the last part with a smirk as my brothers eyes widen. 

"REMALYN! I did not need to know that! Yuck! Ew, do you know what it is like to live with a crazy sister? Yuck! ANYWAY, I will be in the same dorm, but since floor 24 is a girls floor, I will be on floor 25 on the boys floor. I think that is the only thing I need. Why don't you go to bed. It will be a long day tomorrow and an even longer day the next." He says getting up and heading to our bathroom that connects my room to his.

"Oh, and Remi?No matter what. At school, we have to stick together, I can't lose you!" He says this with a sad smile and walks out of my room. I smile and lay down on my bed. I look up at my ceiling and smile. 

"I am going to IPA, Sydney. My dream school! Wish me luck! I love you and miss you, Sydney. " I say aloud to my sister. I turn over and fall asleep with a smile on my face. 


" I am going to IPA, Sydney. My dream school! Wish me luck! I love you and miss you, Sydney."  I hear my sister say to our dead sister through the thin walls. 

I have to keep her safe. Even if my life depends on it. 

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