Chapter 3: Lost Mother

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“Come on catch up.” Flame shouted back as they were running through the forest for it was getting dark.

          “I’m trying to. Hang on.” Came the reply. shortly after Crescent was running alongside his brother.

          But when they returned home Sweetz was waiting outside.

          Crescent was the first to speek

          “What’s wrong.” But she couldn’t speak she was too consumed in anguish to communicate.

          Two days passed and Sweetz finnaly was able to tell the story of what happened.

          “I and your mother were strolling through the forest looking for dinner when a strange dark creature jumped us both and kidnapped Lilly, your mother.” She revealed a wound that had scabbed over on her front ankles. “The thing that attacked us lashed out at me and i fell... it was too late when i realised what was happening the creature and Lilly were both gone...” Suddenly she burst out crying again but Flame immediately began to try and calm her.

          “shhhh its not your falt this is no ones falt i doubt Me or My brother would have been able to defeat this creature from the sound of it.” Crescent who caught the gist of what Flame was doing began to join in rubbing her back with his head. As she calmed down they both went out quickly looking for food.

          When they returned Sweetz had calmed down fully and was humming too herself however she was still limping.

          “Are you bloody sure there isn’t anything that could help this....” She said annoyed and in pain.

          “For the tenth time Sweetz, I’m sorry but no there isn’t. Just.. rest up for now ok?” Flame responded his voice with an edge to it.

          “Fine.” She retorted angrily. As they walked back to the house both Flame and Crescent heard something and stopped. Slowly they all turned to their left to a clump of bushes.

          “Who’s there!?” Flame called out “We won’t hurt you.” A black wolf that looked around the same age as  them  slowly padded out of the bushes. He was small but was blatantly fast, other than that however he didn’t seem too strong to Flame or Crescent however he could easily outpace them.

          “he-hello?” The dark furred wolf said worriedly.

          “Who on earth are you?” Sweetz had finally spoken up. “I’ve  never seen you in these woods and I know them like the back of my Paw.”

          “M-my names Dark. I’ve been looking for someone who can help me find my father, he was taken from me by some form of dark creature...” He responded tiredly. The three siblings turned and began to talk with one and other about what this could mean. They turned around and as the wolf was about to speak Flame stopped him.

          “We don’t know who you are but we have suffered the same fate with our mother she was taken by apparently the same thing as you father and it would likely be best if we stuck together....”

Wolf Saga Book 1: The Shadow BeastsWhere stories live. Discover now