November- Part 1

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Today was the qudditch match between Gryffindor and Slytherin.

I've been avoiding Draco all afternoon.

However, at this rate, I'm trying to hide from Kayla as well. All of us girls went together. We met before in the shared washrooms to get ready. I wore my running clothes underneath jeans and a sweater, with my Slytherin robes on top. I wanted to be warm more than I wanted to be pretty.

So we sat for hours shivering at the top of the stands. Kayla cheered obnoxiously for Draco while trying to gloat to all of our friends about her kiss with him. She tried to down play the kiss while talking about it incessantly.

As the Gryffindors flattened us, I found myself feeling Draco's frustration. We made eye contact every time a point was gained. He was becoming increasingly anxious to find the snitch. By the time Harry caught it, Draco looked murderous.

We left the stands as the players went to change. The mood was somber on the walk back to school. I just wanted to have some fun and I knew that no one was going to have any now.

"Natz Babe, don't worry. I'll make Draco feel better and then you won't have to be so afraid of dealing with him," Kayloa cooed, earning a jealous laugh from Maeve.

It wasn't that simple. Sure he'd lost matches before; he'd lost them to Harry Potter. It's just, the moods that he gets in scare me. He becomes that boy that everyone knows him to be. They don't perceive the difference, but I know who he is. When he's this boy I don't know him.

I get up from the couch and leave my friends to hide from him.

A while later he finds me in the library.

"Shit," I whispered, and he heard me because he winced.

"I'm alright, Nat, Merlin I just wanted to know that you were okay. I'm going to go now." He sneered at me. He really just wanted to know that I was okay, when I was the one hiding from him because I was worried.

What a pair we are. He'll come out of this mood he always does, I just want to give him some more time.

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