Chapter 26

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Today was going to be eventful.

It had rained last night and you can still smell the fresh sent from it.

When we got home yesterday we found adriano and Marlene tucked between Ano, Nano, and Ev

Marlene's body was on ev's stomach while her head was tucked under his

Same with adriano except he was on ano

Nano was in the middle curled in a ball while both Marlene and adriano had there hands on either side of him

I took a picture and carryed adri up to his room while Romeo carried marlenes to hers.


As we lay in bed I noticed a tattoo on Romeo's chest right where his heart was (pic up top)

"When did you get this" I asked curiously

"A month ago."

"It's beautiful" I mumbled

Shifting my head up he pecked my lips and pulled me closer

When I woke up I noticed he wasn't here anymore.

"Must be doing pack stuff" my wolf mumbled

Nodding my head I got off the bed and stretched hearing the sound of popping before walking into the bathroom to get ready .

After my shower I put on some leggings a black blouse with some black flip flops

I walked down the stairs hearing loud chatter in the dinning room.

The chatter died down to a soft murmer as a I walked in

Adri was sitting with Marlene both had sticky hands and faces full of syrup from what I assumed was pancakes they where eating

Giving a nod to each pack member meeting there eyes I grabbed a wet cloth and began to clean adrianos and marlenes faces

"Mommy" adri squeaked

I smiled placing a kiss on his syrupy cheek


Walking back up to the room with adriano I decided to sing him to sleep like I use to when he was a baby, I grabbed my guitar that was hidden behind some clothes I never bothered to wear

And lied adriano next to me and Slowly I let my hands strum closing my eyes I began to sing adele's song 'I found a boy'

I thought I told you, he'd be home soon
Couldn't help myself, you're too good to be true.

I fall short each time,
Every time he ain't here
You and your charm creep closer
Closer and near
Like a fool for fire, I fall, with my pride and all.

Like a bomb before explosion,
Ticking by your call,
You're the wiser one, disguised from greed,
And I'm just a child who belongs on her knees.

But I found a boy who I love more,
Than I ever did you before,
So stand beside the river I cried,
And lay yourself down.
Look how you want me now that I don't need you.

So, you thought that I'd crumble to my knees
At the first sight of you crawling back to me
To whisper "will you leave your man? "
Cause you swear that this time you can stand by me.
I won't stand by you.

Cause I found a boy who I love more,
Than I ever did you before,
So stand beside the river I cried
And lay yourself down.
Look how you want me now that I don't need you!

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