Chapter 5

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Minky at the top ^^^^
(Alana's POV)
All the alphas we're almost here we where waiting on too..
Meanwhile Me And danny where stuffing our faces with food, some alphas and pack members laughed others looked at us like we where crazy.
All of a sudden I feel a chill not a bad one but a good one I look round and notice it was quite and looked at the door and saw the man from my dream..Literally!
(Romeo's POV)
We arrived at the Wolfe territory and my wolf began to feel jumpy.
I parked my car and walked in and it got quite. I was about to step in when I spelt strawberry and chocolate, I looked around for who it was and it was my mate just as beautiful as in my dream. She looked so innocent it amazed me how she had food stuck in her mouth and just stared into my eyes.
I snapped out of it by my beta calling my name I turned around and saw alpha Wolfe

"Alpha Wolfe"I said in a cold tone "Blo-I mean Alpha Romarez" he corrected

"Welcome" I thanked him and looked back at my mate and saw she was gone I followed her sent to the garden...And Saw her laying on a swing with her eyes closed singing softly to a little spotted puppy on her lap
(Alana's POV)
I turned away from my mate when I saw his beta talking to him. I got up and walked to the garden laying on the swing. I hurd a soft whimper and looked to see a baby dolmation (forgot how to spell it) I picked it up in awe and looked at it in my hand.
It was the size of my dads hand!  Kissed it's heart nose "what should I name you Mr."
The pup whimpered and whined "Okay Okay How about minky" He seemed to like it so I later him down on my lap slowly closing my eyes Singing the song "Small bump by ed sheeren"
"you have a beautiful voice love"Said a deep voice, I turned around to meet the eyes of my mate.
I blushed and said a quite thank you. My wolf was yelping happly prancing like a Dog on drugs.
I snapped out of my thoughts when I hurd minky whimper
I turned back to the small puppy and kissed his little nose and slowly rubbed his head making him fall asleep I smiled softly he was too cute! I then realize my mate was still behind me "your beautiful" he said his deep voice made me shudder.
I looked up only to be met by lips. They we're soft and plump and tasted like strawberries, our lips moved in sync til I had to pull away to breathe I was still in a daze when he lifted me up putting me on his Lap.
He started kissing my neck before he got any farther We Hurd a Growl We Turned around..
Cliff hanger :L cx

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