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^^^^^^ Danny
Alana's Pov
After I got done with my shower I walked to Romeo's office to hear growling and things crashing.

I ran in and my eyes grew wide when I looked at the mess there was.

I allowed my eyes too follow the growling men.Both had their shirts off and there eyes where pitch black.

"Romeo" I said.

Both men snapped there eyss to me. Romeo's eyes traveld over to me and they softened when he saw me there.

I looked to the other guy and he was eyeing me lustfully. Romeo growled. The guy smirked. "Wow Romeo looks like you got a beauty" the man said winking at me.

I blushed lightly while Romeo growled.
"Shut up Danny"Romeo demanded .
So his name was Danny kind of reminded me of my munchkin . I missed him dearly I have to ask Romeo if I could call him. Looking back up I noticed them glaring at each other so I decided to introduce myself

"Hello I'm Alana" I said holding out my hand. He took it and kissed it softly
"I'm Danny. Nice to meet you beautiful". Once again I blushed like mad

Romeo growled pulling me to him kissing my forehead.
"Leave" he growled at Danny.
Danny smirked "I'll see you soon sweetheart".
With that he walked out.

I looked At Romeo and frowned "I want to apologize for going to the training when U said not too but, I couldn't help myself I wanted to feel the adrenaline rushing through my veins when I got the first hit."
I said looking down
He sighed running a hand iver his face . Pulling me to him hugging me tightly "You Could of been hurt. I wouldnt for give myself if u did".He said

"Im sorry" i said again
"Its fine" he said kissing my forehead.
"Im proud of you it was a major turn on when i saw u in that outfit." He said lustfuly.
I shook my head and mumbled pervert . "I heard that" he replyed
"You where supposed to. By the way i wanted to ask who danny was".

"Hes my old bestfriend former beta" he replyed in a cold tone

"What happend between you too?" I asked softly

"Thats a story for another time" He replyed

"Go put something sexy on where going out tonight" he replyed

"Where?" i asked curious

"I wont say. Now go" he said slapping my back side fairly hard.

I glared at him and he just laughed.

With that i walked to get dressed wondering what exactly we where doing tonight.
I Hope You Enjoyed This Chaper I didnt Really Think Much of It cx

Alana [ on hold ]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें