chapter three

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chapter three


"We are now flying over Austin,Texas" said the air pilot.

I had the seat near the window. Luckily or I would have probably thrown up just as we set off the ground. I looked out the window to see that it would be a dark and stormy night. I closed my eyes and a slight tear ran down my cheek for an unknown reason as I hoped for a safe flight and landing. The night went by slowly. So slowly that I became bored very quickly. My bored mind was only replaced by what seemed to happen on the other side of the window. I was only distracted when I saw Grace pull out a book.

Grace was just one of those fourth graders who hated reading. So by her pulling out a book and her to start reading it only then made this moment even more awkward. I wasn't just surprised by her actions but I was also proud of her.

Abby was in the Child's Center. Where every child under five years old went. The children were only sent there so that they did not cause noise to the other people on board. They had a consultant to help them sleep, eat and even go to the restroom.

I starred out the window once more to see that lightning was flashing through the clouds even though I coundn't feel the plane shake.

I was afraid that something real bad would happen and feel fast.

Grace was still just sitting there as quiet as ever as I starred out the window.

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