Chapter 4

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Two month later

Kimberly POV

So two months has passed since I'm living with Alex and it has been awesome. I've learnt so much about him ,his favorite dish is baked chicken with mash potatoes, he wanted to be solder when her was younger, his favorite color is black and he hates horror movie. He has twin sister he's older by five minutes. His parents are still alive and live in Paris.

He has been there for me he made sure I had everything but lately I've realize that whenever I'm near him my heart beat increase and I'm think about him and me doing stuff that I shouldn't be thinking but I can't help myself, I worry about him when he's not around me.

I don't know how to hide it anymore I am falling for him every day .I want to be apart of his life but is there space for me. I know there's a age difference between us but I don't care I love him.

**** oh my God I just admit that I'm in love with Alex***

It felt great to finally get that off my chest but I wish he felt the same way.

I got admitted to George's University a month ago where I'm studying for my bachelor of science in nursing. Its been great I'm doing well so far my professors are impress with my hard work. I did an exam in on organic chemistry and I got the highest in my class . I haven't told him as yet I want to surprise him.

Alex POV

I'm currently in my office and instead of working on getting the deal sealed my one of our major investors I'm here day dreaming about Kimberly.
I tried to deny my feeling for her but over the past two months I have been going crazy not being able to hold her and kiss her.

I get excited at the thought of her. But all things must come to an end.

"Hey buddy what are you thinking about?",Lucas asked

"Kimberly",I told him honestly.

"I told you this would happen but you didn't listen",he replied.

"I thought my feelings for her would go but it just keep growing and now I'm in love with her",I told him .

"So you finally admit that you love her?",he said.

"What am I gonna do I can't hide it from her any more", I told him.

"I wish you all the best honestly",he replied.

"You don't think I'm crazy ?",I asked

"No I've been in love with Chelsea since collage and she's having my third baby and I still find her sexy although she gets emotional sometimes and kick me out ",he replied.

"I'm gonna tell her when I get home I don't want to waste anymore time",I told him.

"Yeah cause my kids need cousins and I need my nephews and nieces",he replied.

"If thing go well I want to get married before I'm forty. Sometimes I wish I was younger",I told him.

"Age doesn't matter when it comes to love",he replied.

The day went by pretty fast it was now 6:00pm and I'm dying to see Kimberly's beautiful face. I packed up my stuff and called Cory to come and pick me up. He came within ten minutes he was there but my journey back home seem to take ten years . When I finally reached I hurried inside.

She looked different but still beautiful her black hair was now burgundy it look daring yet sexy.

"Hey I'm home",I said and she ran towards me hugging me.

"Finally I missed you but you're here I have some good news ",she said.

"I have something to tell you too but can I at least shower ? I won't stay long",I begged.

"Yeah really need it",she teased.

"That hurts ",I replied placing my hand over my heart.

"Just kidding I'll wait don't take long" she replied.

"I won't",I said and jogged upstairs to my room and rushed to the bathroom stripped out of my clothes and ran into the bathroom and entered the shower I applied soap to my body.
I wondered what she wants to tell me ?
Does she feel the same way about me?
These questions ran through my mind . I rinse the soap from my body then I wrapped a towel around my body,then exit the bathroom.
I dried all the water from my body then put on my underpants then my sweat pants I applied some deodorant then I wore a plain T-shirt.

I hurried down stairs to see her sitting in the coach .

"I'm back",I said getting her attention.

"Hey so should I go first or you?",she asked.

"I wanna go first you might think awful things about me when tell you this but I can't keep it to myself any longer. I tried to deny it but I can't anymore. A couple months before the incident at the club I realized that I felt something towards you but I thought it was just a simple lust and it would go away but seeing you everyday at the diner it increase each day but I kept denying it cause I thought you were too young but after spending two months with you under the same roof I realize it wasn't lust anymore but love. I'm in love with you and I can't keep it from you anymore",I told her honestly.

She looked at me shocked her mouth was opened then she said the most magical words ever and it took my breath away.

"I love you too",she said softly.

"Really you made me the happiness man alive I love you and I will never break your heart",I told her cupping her cheeks.

"I know you won't I had secret crush on for a while now but I was scared",she told me.

"It doesn't matter anymore we finally have each other that's all that matter",I replied.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"I asked.

"Only if you'll be my boyfriend",she replied.

"May I kiss my girlfriend ?",I asked and she nod then came to sit on my lap then she placed a hand on my cheek and brought her lips to mine.
She bit on my lip then I grant her access I kiss her softly but then when she moan I lost it and began to kiss her aggressively and our tongue fought for dominance and I let her win. My hands began to explore her body,her hands were behind my head pulling me closer to her. I stood up and took her bridal style to my bed room.

"I love you", she said when we finally stepped I to the bed room.

"I love you too baby"I replied proudly.

I place her into the center of the bed then climbed in then I dragged the duvet over us she wrapped her hands around my chest and placed her head on my chest. She gave my lips one last peck and with that we both fell asleep in each other hands where we belong.

Hey guys,

I hope you enjoyed this chapter .

Kimberly and Alex and now together.

Do you think they will last?

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