Chapter 3

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Alex POV

There is something about Kimberly that that made me feel at peace. Although she is young she is very mature for her age. I'm mesmerized by her beauty and I can't help but feel this attraction when we are near each other. I can't describe the feeling.
What if Lucas is right? I asked myself.

Nah this is something temporary  it will go away.

"Alex aren't you coming?",she brought me from my thought.

"Yeah I got a little  distracted",I told  her and we exit the car.

I began to walk but stopped when I felt someone tangled their hand my body ignite with electricity I look at Kimberly she  looked nervous .

"Hey everything will be OK I'm sure she'll understand",I tried to  encourage her .

"OK let's go",she replied and began to walk with our fingers still laced.

We finally entered  and when Kelly saw Kimberly  she had a million dollar smile. We walked over to her and greet her.

"Hey Kelly  miss me?", Kimberly asked.

"No me and Eric were up all night if you know what I mean",she said winking at Kimberly.

"Oh God Kelly you can say these things in front of Alex",she said covering her ear .

"I was wondering when you were gonna introduce to your new man .I must say you have good taste in men. I thought you were gonna die a virgin but there is hope after all",Kelly said  making my eyes widened but I never interrupt.

"Kelly  stop it  your embarrassing me",she said hiding her face.

"Hey I'm Kelly",she introduce herself as if she didn't know  who I am.

"I believe I  know you already",I replied.

"You do ?",she asked.

"Yeah I come here every day for the past two years for coffee made by Kimberly",I told her.

"Don't remember you",she replied.

"Allow me. Kelly meet Mr . Anderson",Kimberly told her and her face was priceless.

"Mr. Anderson that gave you a thousand dollar tip ?",Kelly asked and Kimberly nod her head in agreement.

"I'm so  sorry ",Kelly apologize.

"Its OK  no need",I told her.

"You look totally different in casual clothes",she replied.

"Really I don't see it bit if it got you  fooled I must look  good",I bragged.

"Why are both here together?",she asked.

"She is gonna live with me from now on" I told.

"Are you guys seeing each other?",Kelly asked.

I told her everything about what happen last night and that I think it would be better if she live with me and that  I'll be sending her to collage.

"Kelly I'm not selfish I really want to go to collage I won't forget you", Kimberly .

"I understand I want you to go to collage you deserve the best just  remember when you're in you dream job",Kelly replied.

"Oh girl I will  you're the best",Kimberly  said hugging her .

"Amanda please take over  "she said to a Blondy next to her then she came from around  behind the counter.

"Let's go get your stuff ",she said and we left she told Cory the address.

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