Chapter 1

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I've been in the drug game since I was eight, I'm seventeen now that's nine years of experience.
There is no better feeling to me than slapping my hands with a customer and getting my paper. Most people do it as a way to survive, I do it because I've been fascinated with it ever since I was 6 years old. I live with both my parents Joseph and Juanita they try their best to give me everything I want being as I'm their only child . I appreciate it but how they have planned my life ain't how I want to live it, they think I'm going to college as soon as I graduate but truth is as soon as I turn eighteen I'm taking over this game full time. I'm going to fuck all these dude who to took me for a fool like I do to them when I beat them in chess nobody  has ever beaten me in chess except for my best friend .I've been had a thing for her and I know she do too but I don't want her to get caught up in this mess that I want to do full time. We've been in love for a while now told each other how we felt but as I said I don't want to drag her into anything.

Right now I'm on the corner of float street with my homies this was the worst street to sell drugs on an average day ten people past here and out that ten you only get two customers my boss knew this and that's why he gave us here to work but what he doesn't know is I'm smarter than him and because of my paw paw I'll always be ten steps ahead. The guys were rolling up and drinking and I was texting Christina, I don't use my products they can waste their shit that's extra cash for me.

"Blood who the fuck you texting?" cheddar asked his name is Darren but we don't use our names in the street, as his name states he's all about his paper like me so when my boss linked us we clicked.

"You know his ass ain't texting anybody but Tina" klepto replied he's one of my day ones we grew up together our moms are best friends. He's a good dude but his only problem is that he steals too much and is too good at it, he could steal the presidents mike while he gave a speech at a press conference and nobody would see him or know it was him.

"That's the only contact in his phone other than his parents" tech stated we've been boys since diapers I didn't want his ass in the game because I know he could do so much better this dude can hack into anything, he also built computers from parts we found in the dump. He built his first computer at seven that's the only computer we used to use until we all could afford our own. He's the funniest in our crew the one that always keeps us laughing.

"Fuck y'all I wasn't texting her I was texting Lora" I said defending myself even though it was a lie.

"Man you know you fucking lying if you even blink towards Lora, Chris would kill both y'all motherfuckers" tech chimed in. They all laughed I did too cause I knew it was true.

"Anyways y'all I'm out I got school in the am" I stated.

"Yeah I'm out too my mom is about to flip its 10:30" said cheddar. We threw up our crew sign and split up, tech and I lived in the same apartment and klepto and cheddar lived 6 blocks away.

"You done your history homework Jared?".

"Yeah I did it on Wednesday after school".

"Fuck man I haven't started mine yet".

"Get your computer bitch to do it".

"Fuck you man don't talk about Jennifer like that"

"Your moms home?" His mom is never home.

"I don't know man, your parents?"

"Nah moms is doubling so is pops , I'm going over Tina's you coming?"

"Nah I got to get these homework done, you better not get her pregnant"

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