Just Tourists ✔️

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By 94sMixtape

We don't have a written manual on how to survive being a teenage girl and an agent for a secret government organization but there are definitely a few unmentioned rules that we spy girls go by:

-You can never trust anyone, especially not hot boys, whether you're on a mission or not.

-Your cover is your best weapon, so don't blow it.

-Always buy the shoes... you may never know if you'll get a second chance.

-Most importantly don't get attached to the subject. Especially if said subject is cute, because when in Rome...not all is as it seems. I mean you wouldn't guess a group of American girls were actually spies working for a secret agency right? After all, we're Just Tourists



And this is a whole new level! I loved the part where there was a s- *Gags myself before spilling everything*

Anyways, after you think the first book was fun, check this out.

Vote for ice cream!

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