It's All a Battlefield...And I Don't Even Get What's Happening...

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Hey hey everybody :)

I hope everybody's doin' great! I'm kinda sad 'cause I gotta go back to school tomorrow and won't have much time to write :P But hey, I'll probably write a couple chappys after finishing a final :PP Oh well! Better for you guys :)

Anywayyys, I'm posting a James Maslow Love Story yeah! I love him <3

:) Enjoy

Sidenote: heh, there's some swears (doubt ya care) just a caring fore-warning :)


*Give me time, you know, I'm gonna be there. Don't be scared to come, put your trust in me*

No way, I think. No way yesterday happened. No way is every girl jealous of me. No way it’s three a.m. and I still am not asleep.

I keep replaying everything that happened. James Maslow. How could he fall for somebody like me? I’m not a celebrity. I’m just another fan. Why does it feel like there’s sparks that bounce between our static hearts? Is it just me and my puppy love crush?

Can he feel the licking of flames whenever we’re close?

“Victoria?” Missy’s voice surprises me. I mean, why would she talk to me after that nasty fight?

“Huh?” I mutter, trying to sound like her cat’s whisper which woke me.

“Were you really with him?” Really? Everyone’s acting as if it’s an impossible thought of me with him. It’s not like I’m butt-ugly, all covered in zits, and have an absolute sense of style. I’m just an average small town girl, y’know?

“Yeah, I was, for the last time,” I say, trying to sound as polite as possible, even though I’m about to snap.

“Oh, okay,” she sounds more than skeptical. “I just wanna make sure you’re not lying or anything.”

“Why would I even try to pull off a lie like this one for this long?” Okay, I’m about on to dive off the Bridge of Sanity and Civil Behavior.

“’Cause you honestly wish that a hunk like James would fall for a fuckin’ dipshit like you?”

All right, okay. I’m really done being nice… “Okay, so what makes you all high on yourself, thinking a gentleman like James would fall for a bitchy whore who just assumes that everything a girl like me says is made-up? Huh?” I’m less than a fraction of an inch of smacking her fucking fake face into the splinter in the floor.

“What the hell is with you? Getting a little cocky with your imagination?”

“Missy, what the hell are you even talking to me for? You know how fucking fake you are. Just admit it already. C’mon, I’ve only known you for a few hours and know you’re faker than Ms. Barbie her Goddamn self!” I’ve had enough of this bullshit. From Catharine (as fake as her), Elle (just like Elle from the beginning of Legally Blonde) and Barbara (just a little shitty brat). The only person who’s treated me with respect and actually believes my story is Autumn. I have a feeling she’s going to be my safety net in this hellish death trap that I've been warped into.

I just hear Missy gasp herself into a shocked bout of self-pity. Just shows you how mature some girls are.

My only hope (okay, my two hopes) is that Missy and my fight didn’t wake any of the other Perfect Princesses up and that I can see James ASAP.

I Wonder How Much Could Happen In One Summer (A Big Time Rush Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now