My Manager part2

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Lionel bites his lip. Today cannot not get any worse.

"Thank you for giving me a chance. Honestly, I didn't think that you would since your friend was a little crazy that time," Neymar chuckles

"Haha, Marc just doesn't like to share me," Lionel chuckles

Not far from their table, a very happy Marc and Melissa eat without a care. Lionel hopes that Marc doesn't see him. After Marc's abrupt 'date me' question, they've been on the edge.

"Is he like in love with you or something?" Neymar asks

"No.. Marc has a girlfriend," Lionel says trying not to sound disappointed

Seeing them together hurts him. It has always hurt him. Why is Marc so inconsiderate? Doesn't he see how much he's hurting Lionel? Does he even care?

"Good," Neymar smiles

He seems like a really nice person. But Lionel feels like he's just wasting his time. Why is he even going on a date when he knows he's in love with someone else? This isn't fair to Neymar.

"So did you ever consider working as something else other than your friend's manager ?" Neymar asks

"Yeah.. I mean.. I've always loved to write," Lionel says happily

"Did you ever give it a try?" Neymar asks

"N-no.. God, just because I love it doesn't mean that I'm actually good at it you know?" He chuckles

"I feel like you'd be a good writer," Neymar says

"Uh.. I have written a few things.. I'll let you read them and you have to be 100% honest with me."


Neymar is beaming with joy. It makes Lionel really happy. Seeing someone so excited to read something by him makes his heart melt. Writing is a passion that Lionel has had. But ever since Marc decided he was going to give modeling a try and asked Lionel to manage him, his whole world became about Marc and what was best for him.

He forgot about himself and about the dreams he used to have. It became about Marc and what Marc wanted and what Marc needed.

"You have to start being a little selfish, Leo."

"Being selfish isn't good, Ney."

"Yes it is. It's your life right? You have every right to be selfish. I'm not telling you to drop Marc. But you should think about yourself and what you want. You can't go around making other people's dreams come true and forgetting about yours. "

"You're so great Ney, I'm so glad I met you,"'Lionel smiles

He's confused as to why Neymar is simply sitting still looking up. Lionel turns around and soon he is frozen as well. Behind him stood a not so happy Marc.

"M-Marc," Lionel smiles

"I didn't know you'd be here."

"I didn't know you'd be here either," he says

"I came to talk to Melissa."

"Oh.. Okay."

"I'll take you home, let's go."

"No it's fine, ney is gonna take me home."

"This isn't up for a discussion, Leo. I said lets go."




"Why not?"

"Because I'm here with Neymar and I'm going to leave with him."

"No. We're going home now," Marc growls out

"No! I'm not your possession! You can't tell me when to go, or breathe, or speak, or anything for that matter."

"Now you listen to me, and you listen clearly. You are mine. And you will do whatever I say. Do you understand? If I tell you stop breathing then you will stop breathing and beg for me to breathe life back into you."

"Go fuck yourse-"

Marc pulls Lionel up and smashes his lips to Lionel's. Lionel is caught off guard. He feels like he might fall if Marc dare loosens his grip on him. He soon melts into it slowly, letting Marc dominate him completely. He feels his vision being clouded almost completely before it hits him. He's kissing Marc Bartra. He's kissing his best friend. He reluctantly pulls away and slaps him across the face.

Marc hisses but smirks. Lionel kissed him back.

"You love me," he says grinning

"Get over yourself," Lionel scoffs

"No! You love me! Admit it. You didn't reject my kiss.. You can't obviously expect me to believe that this didn't mean anything to you. You felt it too.. Why are you denying it?"

"I didn't feel anything but disgust. Stay away from me."

Lionel walks off. He feels himself become lightheaded. Yet he also feels extremely heavy inside. When did he become a liar? When did he turn into someone who denies what he feels?

He had always hoped to become someone who would never deny himself the simply pleasures of feeling. Feeling love, emptiness, sadness, anything.

He was in love with his best friend. He knew that. It was as clear as day that he was in love with Marc. But for some reason he could not bring himself to letting Marc love him.

Marc was his best friend. And he could never jeopardize their friendship. But he already had. He had ruined everything.

'He kissed me' he thinks, letting a smile form on his lips. 'He kissed me in front of everyone'

And suddenly Lionel feels even heavier. This isn't good.

And it wasn't good at all. The next day, they were the talk of the day. Everyone was talking about Marc Bartra and his Manager and how Marc had tried to force himself on the smaller man. There were so many things being speculated and things being made up. Lionel didn't know what to do.

He wanted to call Marc to make sure that he was okay. But he couldn't bring himself to doing so.

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