Out At The Club

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  I opened my bedroom door, deciding that I would be going out tonight. I was a regular at the most popular club in town, so it wouldn't be much trouble to get in.
  I walked to my closet and pulled out a one shoulder black dress that came up to my thighs. I paired it with black stiletto pumps and a gold necklace. I set the outfit on my bed and walked over to my bathroom, stripping on the way. I washed my hair and shaved before stepping out of the shower. I put on my bra and panties before blow drying and straightening my hair. I put on velvet red lipstick and winged my eyes with black eyeliner.
  I took a look in the mirror. My blondish-brown hair hung down to the middle of my back and my blue green eyes popped. I put on a coat of mascara before walking out to my room and changing.
  I stood in front of the mirror and smoothed out my dress, before throwing it off and throwing on a pair of black jeans and an off the shoulder top with a tank top underneath. What? The dress was WAY too tight to dance in anyways.
  I put on the pumps before walking downstairs, grabbing my keys and purse, and walking out to my deep purple Ducatti. I know, not what you'd think I'd be driving, but it was my baby. I swung my leg over the seat before driving off into the night.


  I pulled up to the club about 15 minutes later. I took off my helmet and shook out my hair, before throwing my keys to the valet. Luckily, it was Tino parking cars tonight, so he knew how I expected to get my baby back. I handed him the helmet with a nod before walking up to the bouncer. It was a good thing I knew him, cause the line already stretched around the block.
  "Hey, Brody, how's it going?" I said, walking up and hugging him.
  He was, as implied by the name, a classic surfer dude, with perfectly tan skin, sun bleached blond hair, and a toned beach body with a 6'2" frame.
  He smiled down at my 5'8" self before responding, "Great! Always good to see my little shorty come around." He gave my hair a quick ruffle before letting me through.
I walked in while fixing my hair with a chuckle. He never let me in without a little bit of 'harassment'. I scoped out the room while grooving to the beat of Club Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida.
  The room was basically a huge dancefloor, with the far right wall housing the bar, the far back the VIP section, and the far left a DJ booth with a few tables and sofas in front of it. I made my way over to the bar, ignoring any elbows sent my way.
  I managed to make it without punching anybody that tried to grab my ass and started to flag down the bartender.
  "Ayo, Charlie!" I called over the sea of voices.
  He turned and saw me, giving me his, as I call it, "boy band smile".
  "Hey, Jade-bug!" He called while walking over, giving me a hug as I rolled my eyes. As a part of a long ago made deal, he got to call me Jade-bug, so long as I got to call him Swarley. Long story, don't ask.
  "The usual?" He asked, already taking out the ingredients for my usual rum and coke. "You know it," I replied with a wink, before turning to scope out the club for people worth my time.
  I saw a few friendly faces before my eyes spotted a pair of blue eyes staring back at me. I saw that they were attached to a guy around my height with short blond hair and a lean frame. He was wearing ripped dark gray jeans, a stripped T-shirt, leather jacket, and combat boots. I looked back up at his eyes and discovered he was giving me his "sexy" smirk. Asshole, probably thought I was an easy lay.
  I flipped him the bird, before rolling my eyes and turning away with a smirk. I thank Charlie for my drink before taking a sip. I knew he was still staring at me, I could feel the holes he was burning into my head.
  I was startled to feel hands on my hips and quickly turned around to find the same guy from before. He looked me over, before biting his lip and whispering, "How about you join me, so we can get to know each other?"
  I looked over to see Charlie watching with raised brows, as if asking if I wanted to call over a bouncer. I held up a hand and turned back to the guy.
  I smirked at him before leaning in and whispering, "I would....... if you weren't a man whore." I leaned back, patted him on the cheek, and walked to the dancefloor. From the sound of Charlie's laugh, his face must have been pretty funny.
  I signaled the DJ, who nodded before putting on my song. I turned back to the bar to find the guy glaring at me with his arms crossed. I just winked and wiggled my fingers at him.
  Since the people around me had cleared the floor, I wasted no time, starting my favorite routine to the song Work From Home by Fifth Harmony (pretend she's Dana, or the girl on the left in the first group). I looked back and discovered that he had moved to be directly in front of me.
  He removed his jacket and curled his fingers in the classic 'bring it' signal. Seems like I started a dance battle!

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