Chapter 28

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Alfred stood near the bed and looked down at him. "Whyd you do this?" He said aloud, running Arthur's hair out his face. "It makes no sense" he sighed.

Arthur had felt his touch , slowly opening his eyes. Seeing Alfred he immedtiaetly began to tear up, rolling onto his side.

Alfred turned him back over. "Dad. Why won't you let us marry?" He asked. "Why won't you let me be happy with him?"

Arthur just kept crying, shaking again just like on that day Francis...Well. he squirmed , trying to turn back over, unable to speak.

Alfred hugged him,pulling him up, detaching some of the various tubes coming from Arthur's pulses and veins. "Dad please talk to me" he whined a bit.

Ivan could barely watch , he was getting emotional himself. Arthur was still unable to talk, just able to hug Alfred as much as possible.

Alfred felt nothing but confusion. "Why are you so upset? And why are you being so emotional.... Why are you saying no? You seemed perfectly fine with it before?" He asked question after question, childishly.

" Francis..." Was all Arthur could whine into his tears

"What about him? He's gone." Alfred stated blankly. Not getting the idea.

" You're - You're not making the same mistakes I did " he sniffled

"What?." He asked. "Ivan?" He looked to him.

Ivan just looked as confused as Alfred did, his arms folder with his head tilted. " I-I don't want you making any mistakes " Arthur continued to sniffle, " I'm scared for you "

After that it hit Alfred like a brick across the head. His face twisted in pain and anger as he let go of Arthur. "You think he'd hurt me?" He said rather quickly standing up straight.

Arthur turns his head, unable to look Alfred in the eyes.

"You really think that?" Alfred backed up. Silence fell upon the room. Arthur nodded slowly.

Alfred just shook his head. "Ivan would never lay a hand on me." He protested.

" Lies " Arthur growls , his head still tilted onto the side. " All men...they all lie..."

He stayed quiet. "Arthur. Ivan and I are marrying, and we're moving. Thats it." He groaned.

Arthur snorted,  " Oh really? " he cooed , " Have a happy five minute wedding you'll be crawling back in no time "

"Hm." He huffed and went to Ivan hugging him.

Ivan slowly hugged him back , his eyes meeting slowly to Arthur's. Alfred kept him close. "I love you"

" I love you too Alfred " He kisses Alfreds forehead as  Arthur looked away.

"Can we leave now?" Alfred asked quietly.

" If that's what you want Alfred..." He takes his hand.

Nodding he squeezed his hand. "Bye Arthur" he said, slightly cold as he left with Ivan.

" Lets get married " Ivan squeezes his hand...

Alfred nodded smiling. "Of course"

Ivan smiles , taking him back to his car.  Alfred couldn't help but think of the new life he was going to spend with Ivan. It wasn't long before they were heading down to Vegas..Ivan wanted him to be his already.

Alfred had his head out the window, smiling wide and staring off as they drove there. "Woooah!" He laughed.

Ivan smiles widely, driving off into the sunset. To become his forever.

End ^×^

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