finding out if Maddy is pregnant

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We walked into the house and dad  was in the living room. i couldn't wait to tell Rhydian that the thing about finding your mate you really do become pregnant.

Rhydian, Tom and Shannon walked through the door and Rhyian came over to me and kissed my cheek hey Maddy, did you find any thing out? he asked 

yeah let's go up stairs and I'll tell you alone.

OK let's go upstairs.he said grabbing my hand and we went up to my room. so got any news? He asked. yeah, give me your hand. i said putting it on my tummy. he smiled and pulled me into his arms and kissed my head. so do you think it's a boy or girl? he asked I looked up at him, well mom told me that she knew that I was a girl in her third month or something so maybe i'll know and i promise I will tell you when i know. OK but what do you think we'll have? he asked again. i think it might be a boy i really have a boy and name him after his daddy,is that OK with you Marissa Ryleigh after me friend from America nieces. OK those are beautiful names. well thank you. i said kissing him. i love you so much Madds. i love you more then you will ever know Rhyd. not even possible Madds. he said. how bout this we will love our cub no matter what and Tom and Shan will be godfather and godmother and auntie and uncle no matter what happens. i said he nodded and i grabbed his hand and we walk out of my room and down stairs. tom shan lets go to berrnie's. i said as walked out the door. OK then. Shannon said walking out behind Rhydian and tom behind her. when we were in the woods we stopped as long as we were out of hearing range of my parents. So we have to tell you something. i said. you know how i told you madds may be pregnant because of the whole wolfblood mate thing? he asked, i looked at him. you told them? i asked. yeah he did he was all stressed earlier and worried about you. well there was no reason to worrie you know i'm fine. i said kissing his cheek. well tell us what's the news. shannon asked. well i may have a baby in my arms in nine mounths or so not really sure according to mam it's diffrent for every wolfblood. shannon hugged me. that's amazing Madds. tom said. do you know the sex of the baby? shannon asked. i shook my head. no but mam told me she knew i was a girl at around 3 mounths, but i have a feeling that it's a little boy. It's like a gut feeling...

well tom and shan know bout the baby

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