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I button up my coat as I walk into the theater. I am running out of options and the thought that I have a shot at this makes my heartbeat increase. When I reach the door and pull it open I am awed by the gorgeous theater. I pass rows of seats as I make my way to the stage. I take a seat with all the other girls that have come for the same reason I have and wait. Four people come out and take a seat in the front row of chairs with papers and pencils ready.

"Hello," someone speaks suddenly from a microphone loudly and just like me everyone covers their ears. "Sorry for that but welcome ladies. You'll come up here and perform what is asked from these 4 judges. Easy as cake. Alright let's get started. Maya Heather come on up," the room falls silent. A brunette gets up and moves to the stage. She stumbles a little showing how nervous she is.

I take a deep breath.

"Hmm very pretty," one of the judges says. "How would you handle a publicity scandal?"

"I... well I would ignore and deny all accusations," her voice sounds more confident now but her hands beside her say otherwise.

"And if there's proof? Pictures perhaps?" Another judge asks.

"Then I will..." she stands still unable to speak. All the other girls look at each other and give Maya a pitiful look. She stays silent and that has go to bring consequences.

"Nora Fray please take a place on stage beside Maya," I quickly get up the stairs and stand beside Maya. "Now Nora help this girl and answer the question."

I take a deep breath and say the first answer that comes to mind, "I would confess."

"And why's that?" I realize none of the judges have spoken. Instead it's a dark figure in the very back that spoke. His voice is deep, a man's voice. He is sitting in the part of theater were the lights are shut off. I want someone to turn them on and reveal him.

"Simply because if I lie they'll have a better title for their covers," the room is silent making me feel like perhaps I am talking to no one. The figure stands and walks to an exit door. I get to see a faded t-shirt and dark jeans when the door opens revealing little light. I watch him disappear.

The judges continue with their questions one by one each of us answers them the best we can. Every girl in the room looks as nervous as I am. We were told we were auditioning for a role to act not just be asked questions. After a few hours it's clear that the judges have had enough and they huddle together whispering.

"Do you think it's like a role for a famous housewife?" Maya asks me.

"I don't think so."

"But they asked basic questions that a famous housewife would know," she had a point although I didn't watch many famous housewives shows.

"Okay everyone go home except Nora Fray," I stand there shocked. Maya congratulates me with a half upset face. The judges ask me to come closer and I do. A paper lays in front of them.

"This is a contract. Take your time to read it if you would like but I have to be honest we could change our mind or sign this and we let our boss now right away that you are the winner. Unfortunately we don't have a copy to provide you with but it will be given to you soon. The less time it takes the better." It's a thick contract and these people don't seem to have the patient so I decide to read it when they give me a copy. Plus I have signed a contract before to a role, how different could this be? I flip to the very back and sing my name. I don't want to take any chances of losing this one shot. I need it more than anything. "Congratulations Ms. Fray. You'll hear from us very soon," they all stand and walk out leaving me alone in the beautiful theater.

I walk up to the stage and just stand in the center. I look at every empty row of seats and pick one chair where I imagine my mother.

"I am gonna do this mom, for you and for dad," my voice echoes in the theater. I take a deep breath and walk out into the cool day.

As soon as I walk into the bakery I realize something is wrong. Rafael looks worried and his wife Rosa is trying to hold tears back. I walk up to them but they say nothing until we go to the back of the office.

"Nora the bakery has been evicted."

My heart drops.

"No. It can't be."

Rosa wraps her arms around me, "they came and told us we have less than a week. I am so sorry. Lily worked so hard on this bakery for years and she helped us by giving us a job here. We're thankful for everything your family has done for us. I wish we could help you baby girl but we can barely pay our bills."

"No, no. I'll find a way to make this work just please stay with me."

"Of course we will Nora. You're like our granddaughter," Rafael soothes my back. In that moment I realized there was nothing that could save me but that contract.

It's past midnight when I get home. Rafael and Rosa have promised to come back and I know they will. I am exhausted so before I know it I am deep asleep.

When I wake up the first thing I hear is my phone ringing. I seat up quickly to grab it and answer.

"Hello Ms. Fray?" Someone asks from the other line.

"Yes this is she."

"You are suppose to be ready and downstairs. I've been waiting for you for two hours now. You did sign a contract," I feel more confused than ever.

"I was never told-"

"I'll wait for 30 more minutes," is all she says before the line falls silent. I quickly go to the bathroom and begin to get ready. Throughout the whole process I remind myself that I need this more than anything.

Once I am set I hurry downstairs and make contact with a very elegant woman. She looks like those people you meet in Hollywood.

"Get in the car and don't ask questions until we get there." She is obviously too serious and angry to try an have a conversation with so I do as she says. The driver opens the Mercedes door for me to get in and closes it behind me. He does the same for the woman who seats in the passenger's seat.

Once we are all set we head south. I feel like I am in the car for hours with an uncomfortable group of people. No one speaks and no music is played. The driver finally pulls into a driveway with a gate. He plugs in a code and we come to see a beautiful mansion. I am awed by the neatness of the garden and the flowers. The car comes to a stop and the driver gets off to open my door.

I get out and take in the mansions beauty. It's definitely one of those billionaire houses. I turn to expect the woman next to me but all I see is the drivers door closing and the car speeding off.

"Hey! Wait!" I scream but the car never stops.

I see no other option but to knock on the door so I head towards the stairs and knock. After a while I realize no one will come. I try the knob impatiently and find it to be unlocked. I open the door and walk in hoping I will see someone. 

No luck.

I put my bag on a chair in the living room and walk into the kitchen. The house has an eerie silence that makes my body shiver. It's also spotless. There is no dust on the furniture, and no dirty stains on the tables. If there wasn't fresh fruit in a bowl I would think this place was on the market. When I walk back into the living room something catches my attention. An slightly open door on the other side from where I had entered. I walk to it noticing there is light reflecting from inside. I open the door some more and that's when I see him.

He is absolutely hands down the most handsome men I have ever seen. The men me and Hailey always drool over. The one we see on billboards and magazines.

Max Hamilton.

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