Chapter 8 -Trial by fire

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Fluminox took me over to a balcony. He talked to me about all kind of things such as my destiny, and Chima's fate. But for the first time, I realised I wasn't really listening. I was tried to look detached, but my gaze was fixed on Laval and Cragger, who seemed to be dancing over fire from this distance. They were perched on top of lava, surrounded by the fire-breathing legend beasts.

Somehow, I wanted it all to stop. I didn't care about those dreams, about my destiny, my visions, or the fire birds. I was afraid, and only longing for one thing -and the most terrifying part was that this longing was the thing I was the most afraid of. I wanted so bad to... No, I couldn't, I couldn't, I just couldn't and I wouldn't.

But then I realised -why wouldn't I ? I didn't care if he wasn't worthy of the fire, if he wasn't responsible enough, if it wasn't worthy of me -to be honest, I didn't care about anything. I was chosen to have visions. And at night, I have a dream.

It only seems legit for this dream to become reality. I need it to be real. I need it so bad. But I'm not even sure about how he feels. At least, now he doesn't think I'm crazy anymore. That's something, I guess. I'm not even sure about how I feel. But I don't care, I don't care anymore, and I don't want to care. I don't even want to think -no, I want to feel, I want to act, I want it so bad.

- ...and that's what we call the trial by fire.

His words bring me back to reality. But it's not good -I feel empty like a broken nutshell, and, so, so, so desperatly alone. If I don't hold myself, I might cry.

- Come, he says in his deep voice. We'll have to greet them when they are done.

His eyes are like pits of dancing flames and burning gold. They are harsh, and I can see he is wise, I can see he as lived a long and painful life. It's his knowledge keeping him standing.

I walk behind and I realise I'm destined to become like him. But I don't want to. Maybe it's already too late, but I want to change things. I won't be wise.

I want to act, to move, to feel alive, to feel the air rushing in my lungs and my heart beating fast. I don't care if my life will be short. I want it to be a race, a life full of life.

And I want him. It's a hunger, a longing, a need.

We arrive in a huge room with a high ceiling. Laval and Cragger are facing the ground, panting.

- Congratulations, the Phoenix King says.

Tormak, the Tiger Leader, steps beside him.

- You are now worthy of the fire.



Laval can't stop running and shouting, and neither can Cragger. I am already used to this sensation. So I have to feel more.

- We can do so much better than that.

- Eris ? he asks. I don't recognise you.

- Just wait and see.

I smile as my wings turn to fire. My stomach burns as I lean on the edge of the lion head, on top of Mount Cavora.

And then I jump.

The last chapter is coming soon :3 Sorry again for the slow updates ^^

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