Chapter 1 -A frozen dream

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It's very cold outside, but he holds me close to his fur. I cross my arms across his neck, and I fluff my beak into his chest. We both close our eyes and cherish this moment. He smiles, so I smile back. My wings flap happily behind my back.

It starts to snow. Snow is so beautiful. A while ago I didn't even knew about it. Even King LaGravis didn't. It chills me out a little, but this moment is so sweet I don't care.

"I love you", he says.

I don't know how to react. Are we in love ? I feel like we are, but it's impossible, no, it just can't be...

"La... Laval", I start.


He presses his finger to my beak.

"Don't say a thing, just..."

He doesn't finish his sentence. He approaches his mouth from mine, our lips meet, and...


I wake up heavy with sweat. I'm breathless, like I'm waking up from a nightmare. It's quite strange, considering how nice this dream was. Or was it ? It really feels weird now.

I need to refresh my mind. I pull back my bedsheet and I stand up on my feet. The sky is a darkish blue, it must be something like three in the morning. I dress up quickly with my armor, the wind shaking slowly the curtains. I pull them back and jump out the window.

My wings flap strongly as I fall down the hundred stories of the Eagle Spire. I don't know why they call it that way, actually. It's more of a library tower, or eventually a fortress. It's impossible to access it by foot.

I fly away, the huge jungle of Chima under me. The air is cool, even cold. This is because of the invading hunters. I don't know how we'll send them away. Hopefully, Rogon and his rocks are here to protect me.

I turn back when I see the Gorilla Village. I don't want Gorzan to see me.

Now in front of me is Mount Cavora and its magical waterfalls. The clouds are low, the sun is rising, and the Lion City is shining. I sight. Everything is so beautiful in here... and yet so fragile. The Chi is so strong, there is only a little most aren't ready to do for more of it.

Hopefully the Lions, our wise leaders, are here to control the sharing of the Chi and restore the balance of nature.

There were the Crocodiles, the Wolves, the Spiders, the Scorpions, the Bats... And now it's about to begin again.

Hey guys ! What do you think about this new fiction ? I'll try to post chapters every week or so, because I have 2 ongoing stories over my french profile, luce-story. Please vote or leave a comment if you enjoyed it !

Also, sorry for my mistakes, but English is only a learned language (I speak French^^)

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