Chapter 2 -The Chima Market

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"Bruap ! Burp ! Brooooo !"

I'm lost in the "strange books" section. Those books contain unknown and uncertain information, they're so strange some of them even make strange noises. I must be the only one in the whole tribe reading them. But I'm also the only one to make premonical dreams, so I guess I could find answers.

- Searching for something, Eris ? Ewald asks me with his squeeshy voice.

- No, thanks. I just don't want to talk about it.

- Are you sure ? I could help you find a book.

- It's more than just a book, Dad.

- Books are the key to everything. A book is an immortal way of life, reading is the path to this way.

I sight. I might become nostalgic if I'm not careful.

- You, he says, need to think about everyday life. Aren't you supposed to take place in that Speedor contest ? The Golden Chi, remember ? Our tribe is counting on you. Plus, today is Market Day.

Market Day ! I had almost forgotten. I rush out, saying :

- Thanks ! I'll go help around !

I jog until the landing platform, then I jump until the lowest floors, where I find my Speedor. I breathe deeply and I start it. The tribalite wheel goes blue with Chi energy and I start half-going, half-flying, to the Lion City. I laugh at this strongness. For a moment I feel like I'm happy, like I've got nothing to worry about, as if I was just a pretty eagle going fast.

Ten minutes later I enter the city and I'm in the market area. I smell the fresh sent of spices, and I park my Speedor as safe as I can from the Ravens.

I start walking through the market, trying to enjoy little things.

First I see the Wolf tent. Wilhurt is guarding the entry, and who knows what's in there. Only wolves can go in. I wave hello to Worriz, but he doesn't seem to notice me.

I walk faster when I see the Raven stand. It's only stolen Speedorz and objects from the other tribes. Then I run to avoid the bees rushing around the Bears' Honey.

My heart goes faster as I approach the Rhino table.

- Rocks ! Rocks ! Who asn't got his rocky pet ? shouts Runk, Rukus patting him the back.

- Hello, Eris, Rogon says to me with his weird accent.

God, his muscles ! He's so strong !

- Hi, Rog-sweet, I respond.

I know he's shy, so I kiss him first. I scrape his horn with my beak, and he smiles.

- Love you more than rocks, he says.

- Love you, too, I say.

But when the words come out my mouth, it doesn't feel right, it just doesn't feel real. I don't know how to react.

- Gotta go, I say.

I run and I bump into Laval.

- Hey, Eris ! he exclams. You okay ?

- Not hurt. How is it going ?

- Great ! You know, with the Speedor Race and everything, I feel so relaxed right now !

- You know what ? I'll catch up on you later. I have to go, I promise to help around.

- Okay, see you, then.

I continue to walk, normal speed this time. I see the Eagle stand, covered with Eglor's newest gadgets and funny weapons, plus our extra books, and then everything goes frozen. I see snow everywhere and I start to panic.

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