Chapter 4 -An icy attack

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Tonight the wind blows coldly, the sky is dark and icy. I breathe and white smoke comes out of my beak. I shiver, and I look towards the horizon. A big white line is the new border to the ice world. I really don't know what we're gonna do. Maybe we'll just freeze to death. I heard Cragger's parents were frozen by the Hunter Tribes' leader, Sir Fangar, and his magical sword.

No one, not even the Ancients, know were they come from. I have a bad feeling about this. They can attack any moment now. I shiver again, but this time it's not the weather, it's the fear. Maybe I'm afraid of losing my world, of losing everything I cherish. But sometimes I wonder if there's anything I really cherish. I'm confused, I'm divided, I'm weak, I'm... I'm just lost.


Today I'm lost in a book about some fire birds. I'm somehow finding something interesting when something shakes me up. I hear LaGravis' distinct roar.

I rush out by the non-window and I stand in the air, the Eagle spire in front of me. I fly a few stories up, and I grab my Eglaxxor weapon, just right near Equilla.

Then I jump into my interceptor, and I relax only when my hands are steady on the steering wheel.

I jerk to the Lion City at maximal speed.

That's when I realise what's going on -the Hunters are attacking. Right now.


I found Laval just before the Lion city's steps. I try not to look tense, but I can't. Hopefully he'll think it's because of the battle, even though it's not. I am puzzled. But he can't know that.

- Let's fight them off ! I shout.

- Lead the way !

I cut my way through the blazing ice vulture gliders. I hit them hard, one of them falls but three of them follow me. Vardy, Vornon and Voom Voom. Of course. They start chasing me and shooting at me.
Now one of my wings is frozen. I start panicking and I scream loudly.

- Laval ! I shout. Go get some help !

But he can't -he's also battling off with one of these crazy ice birds.

I loose all control of my interceptor, and I start falling to the ground. The chase brought us quite far away from the city ; we're near the Crescent hilltop.

I scream as I fall closer to the ground, and I press the emergency button. The cockpit falls from the interceptor and I can land almost without damage. Gorzan is there, he as come to our rescue. But we're not saved yet.


Laval is with us now, just before the Crescent. He's pretty close to Gorzan ; I stand a few feets away. Vardy and Vornon are there ; they just landed too.

- Let's wait, Vardy says with his creaky voice. Victory comes to those who... wait !

- No, Vornon answers. Let's freeze them right now !

He takes his ice pulsorz and aims hit at my wings. My Eglaxxor is not there. I'm defenseless. I'll just freeze to death.

He shots me. But as the ice bullet is about to hit me, I feel on fire again, and the weapon bounces back, far away from me. He shoots again, and again, and the same thing happens, until he's got no more bullets.

And I feel so strong. I am not weak : I am the fire, and fire can't be defeated.

I yell, and my own scream scares the deepest parts of me. But I can see they're afraid.

- Retreat ! Vornon shouts. We should have waited !

They jerk away. We're safe now.

- Eris ! Laval exclaims. Now, what was THAT ?

I don't listen to him. The Crescent seems to glow, and I see a stream of light and fire dazzling through the sky.

Hey guys ! Thanks for reading my story :) !! What did you think of this chapter ? Next part coming soon ;)

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